A Student's Guide to Methodology
- Peter Clough - University of Brighton, UK
- Cathy Nutbrown - University of Sheffield, UK
The Third Edition of this hugely popular text provides students with straightforward principles and frameworks for understanding methodology. Peter Clough and Cathy Nutbrown are adept at making methodology meaningful for beginners and more advanced readers alike. Their book clearly demonstrates how methodology impacts upon every stage of the research process, and gives readers all of the tools that they need to understand it.
New to this edition are the following:
- New boxes and guidance on research ethics in every chapter
- More international examples and perspectives
- Up to date coverage of online research methods
- More examples from real students
- A new companion website, featuring Powerpoint slides for lecturers
The authors take an applied approach and every chapter contains a variety of practical examples from real research. Readers are encouraged to reflect on their own practice at every step, meaning that the book remains extremely relevant throughout. It will be invaluable for all students who are doing a dissertation or taking a research methods module in education, the social sciences, business and health.
This is a good resource for any research student.
Excellent guide to methodology for MA students.
This is a really useful and accessible guide to key concepts, and is suitable for both undergraduates and postgraduates. Well laid out and much thought has gone into communicating what can be quite abstract concepts to a broad audience. Essential reading in our view.
Excellent guide for students, this book give good information to students is easy to use and can be used in any college where students are asked to do methodology.
Very helpful, accessible text.
The text is a detailed examination of the methodologies used in research projects that will give even the most discerning foundation degree student ample information about how to explore their research topic in a thorough and systematic way. The text covers a range of topic areas related to methodological approaches that students often personally raise with me during their research practice module. Even though some of the content was fairly in-depth, the summaries were particularly useful at the end of each chapter. What will be particularly useful for my Year 2 FdA students will be the sections relating to the construction of questionnaires and informal interview techniques.
This is a clearly laid out book and great for students to follow.
An excellent guide for students embarking on research projects. Useful chapter summaries and activities. Clearly laid out and easily accessible.
This book proves to be an essential contribution for students to think critically about the different stages of the researchprocess. Even more, I would like to recommend the book to all my colleagues for an updated awareness to [re]think with their students how the researchprocess meets the standards of our master.