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Journal of Learning Disabilities

Journal of Learning Disabilities

eISSN: 15384780 | ISSN: 00222194 | Current volume: 58 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: Bi-monthly
Provides specials series (in-depth coverage of topics in the field, such as mathematics, sciences and the learning disabilities field as discursive practice), feature articles (extensive literature reviews, theoretical papers, and position papers), research articles (reports of qualitative and quantitative empirical research), and intervention articles (overviews of successful interventions).

Journal of Learning Disabilities is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at

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The Journal of Learning Disabilities (JLD), a multidisciplinary, international publication, presents work and comments related to learning disabilities. Initial consideration of a manuscript depends upon (a) the relevance and usefulness of the content to the readership; (b) how the manuscript compares to other articles dealing with similar content on pertinent variables (e.g., sample size, research design, review of literature); (c) clarity of writing style; and (d) the author's adherence to APA guidelines. Articles cover such fields as education, psychology, neurology, medicine, law, and counseling.

Stephanie Al Otaiba Southern Methodist University, USA
Associate Editors
Eunsoo Cho University of California - Riverside, CA, USA
Stephen Ciullo Texas State University, USA
Nathan H. Clemens University of Texas-Austin, USA
Christian Doabler University of Texas at Austin, USA
Michael Faggella-Luby Texas Christian University, USA
Jan C. Frijters Brock University, Canada
Nadine Gaab Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University
Duo Liu The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jeremy Miciak University of Houston, USA
Yaacov Petscher Florida State University, USA
Sarah R. Powell Unviersity of Texas - Austin
Nicole Pyle Utah State University, USA
Amy Gillespie Rouse The University of Queensland - Saint Lucia, Australia
Nicole Patton Terry Florida Center for Reading Research, Florida State University
Jessica R. Toste University of Texas - Austin, USA
Editorial Assistant
Dayna Russell Freudenthal Mount St. Joseph University, TX, USA
Copyeditor/Social Media Coordinator
Melissa Whitler Southern Methodist University
Consulting Editors
Yusra Ahmed University of Houston, USA
Jill Allor Southern Methodist University, USA
Jason Anthony University of South Florida, USA
Doris Baker University of Texas-Austin, USA
Marcia Barnes Vanderbilt University, USA
Alison G. Boardman University of Colorado-Boulder, USA
Joseph Boyle Temple University, USA
Lee Branum-Martin Georgia State University, USA
Diane Bryant The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Matthew K. Burns University of Florida, USA
Sonia Q. Cabell Florida State University, USA
Hugh W. Catts Florida State University, USA
James W. Chapman Massey University, New Zealand
David J. Chard Boston University, USA
Paul Cirino University of Houston, USA
Alyson Collins Texas State University, USA
Donald L. Compton Florida State University, USA
Amy C. Crosson Pennsylvania State University
Anne Cunningham University of California, Berkeley, UK
Laurie Cutting Vanderbilt University, USA
Johny Daniel Durham University, UK
Susan De La Paz University of Maryland, USA
Donald D. Deshler University of Kansas, USA
Lisa Didion The University of Iowa, USA
Wilhelmina van Dijk Utah State University, USA
George J. DuPaul Lehigh University, USA
Amy Elleman Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Michael H. Epstein University of Nebraska, USA
Florina Erbeli Texas A&M University, USA
Christine A. Espin Leiden University, Netherlands
Hank Fien Boston University, USA
David Francis University of Houston, USA
Douglas Fuchs American Institutes for Research
Lynn S. Fuchs Vanderbilt University, American Institutes for Research
Brandy Gatlin-Nash University of California-Irvine, USA
David C. Geary University of Missouri
Samantha A. Gesel University of North Carolina- Charlotte, USA
Esther Geva The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Canada
Steve Graham Arizona State University, USA
Elena L. Grigorenko Yale Child Study Center, USA
Diane Haager California State University, Los Angeles, USA
Colby Hall University of Virginia, USA
Karen R. Harris Arizona State University, USA
Michael Hebert University of California, Irvine, USA
Steven Alan Hecht Nova Southeastern University, USA
Stephen R. Hooper School of Medicine, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Juan E. Jimenez Universidad de La Laguna
Nancy C. Jordan University of Delaware, USA
R. Malatesha Joshi Texas A & M University
Devin M. Kearns University of Connecticut, USA
Benjamin Kelcey University of Cincinnati, USA
Michael J. Kennedy University of Virginia, USA
Leanne Ketterlin Geller Southern Methodist University, USA
Ae-Hwa Kim Dankook University, South Korea
Young-Suk Kim University of California - Irvine, USA
Nicole Landi University of Connecticut, Haskins Laboratories
Erica Lembke University of Missouri, USA
Christopher J. Lemons Stanford University, USA
Sylvia Linan-Thompson University of Oregon, USA
Endia Lindo Texas Christian University, USA
Jessica Logan Vanderbilt University, USA
Daniela Lucangeli University of Padua
Charles MacArthur University of Delaware, USA
Malka Margalit Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Margo Mastropieri George Mason University, USA
Peggy McCardle Peggy McCardle Consulting, LLC, Haskins Laboratories
Kristen McMaster University of Minnesota, USA
Paul Morgan University at Albany -SUNY, USA
Elizabeth Norton Northwestern University, USA
Rollanda O'Connor University of California, Riverside, USA
Timothy N. Odegard Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Nicole S. Ofiesh Schwab Learning Center, Children's Health Council
Richard Olson University of Colorado - Boulder
Michael J. Orosco University of Kansas, USA
Rene Parmar St. John's University, New York, USA
Peng Peng University of Texas-Austin, USA
Stephen Petrill The Ohio State University, USA
Cynthia Puranik Georgia State University, USA
David Purpura Purdue University, USA
Cecil R. Reynolds Texas A & M University
Jessica Rodrigues University of Missouri, USA
Rajiv Satsangi George Mason University, USA
Robert Savage York University, Canada and University College London, Institute of Education
Kristin Sayeski University of Georgia, USA
David Scanlon Boston College, USA
Chris Schatschneider Florida State University, USA
Elizabeth R. Schotter University of South Florida, USA
Sally Shaywitz Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Linda Siegel University of British Columbia, Canada
Richard L. Sparks Mt. St. Joseph University
Laura M. Steacy Florida Center for Reading Research, Florida State University, USA
Elizabeth A. Stevens Georgia State University, USA
Elizabeth Swanson University of Texas-Austin, USA
William Therrien University of Virginia, USA
Gary Troia Michigan State University, USA
Victor H.P. van Daal University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Delinda van Garderen University of Missouri, USA
Amanda VanDerHeyden Education Research and Consulting, Inc., USA
Sharon Vaughn University of Texas, Austin, USA
Jeanne Wanzek Vanderbilt University, USA
Krystal L. Werfel Boys Town National Research Hospital
Jade Wexler University of Maryland - College Park, USA
Joshua Wilson University of Delaware, USA
Naomi Zigmond University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • EBSCOhost: Allied and Complementary Medicine Database
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • Gale: Expanded Academic ASAP
  • Higher Education Abstracts
  • IBR (International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • MediaFinder
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  • PAIS International
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • PsycINFO
  • SafetyLit
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Wilson Education Index/Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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