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148 Results Found for "Reference Books"



Sage is the world’s leading independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research.

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Sage is an independent international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, we are a world leader in our chosen academic, educational, and professional markets.

Innovative ideas and approaches consistently distinguish Sage's publishing, across all of our programs. Our products include:

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Offerings from Sage for Library Consortia

In response to research and feedback from our market, including discussions with the library community, Sage has expanded its offerings to consortia customers. We now provide all of the following purchase options to library consortia. 

Why Corporations Should Care What People Think: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation

With the growth of corporate advocacy and an increasing demand for disclosure and transparency, a corporation’s reputation is more valuable now than ever. How are organizations responding to new challenges, pitfalls and opportunities in today’s globalized, mediatized world? Out today, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation explores the concepts and techniques organizations utilize to engage and work through these issues.

How is communication research evolving in the digital age?

How do technologies such as social media, blogging, and texting affect the way communication and media research is conducted? Launching as a four-volume set, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods covers a range of theories and methodologies used in communication research as well as trends influencing the future of the field.

SAGE Publishing releases encyclopedia in the expanding fields of surveillance and privacy

SAGE Publishing announces the publication of a new encyclopedia that explains how surveillance has become an essential component of the operations of global society and the impact it has on our security and privacy. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy is the culmination of four years of systematic scholarship focused on the condition of shared humanity in the age of technologized information.

SAGE Announces Video and Data Additions to Award Winning Research Methods Resource  

SAGE Publishing announces today the release of SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2, a collection of 300 new datasets that demonstrate how-to support for data analysis, and SAGE Research Methods Video: Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods. With these additions, SAGE adds to its growing collection of resources that aid in the facilitation of data source training and data comprehension and analysis.  

May I help you? Learn how to provide the best service and products in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy

Los Angeles, CA- Today's consumers have unending choices. They can now easily shop locally, online, or even outside the country. That's why they insist on the highest quality of both products and services. Successful manufacturers and service industries must stay up-to-date on the latest research about how to improve products, services, and consumer experience if they want their business to grow. Providing the much needed knowledge is the new The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy.

Understand the evolving environment in SAGE Reference's Encyclopedia of Environmental Change

Los Angeles - The environment is in constant flux. Some aspects of that change are caused by nature and some are related to humans through social, cultural, economic and political issues. The science of environmental change is a growing field of study, and the new, authoritative and comprehensive Encyclopedia of Environmental Change from SAGE Reference reflects the interdependence of both environmental science and society.
