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148 Results Found for "Reference Books"


Are the Democratic and Republican parties really necessary? Find out in: Guide to U.S. Political Parties

Washington, DC - Throughout most of history, societies have been governed by powerful rulers, and the “common people” have seldom had any voice in their own governance. America’s democratic style of government is different. We vote for representatives (presidents, governors, congress members, and others) who make the laws, and most of those representatives belong to either the Democratic or Republican party. How did the party system develop? Is it good or bad? Will the system survive, given the current government gridlock? The new Guide to U.S.

Chronicling crises in the world’s economies: The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, Second Edition

Los Angeles, CA- Addressing the changing world of poverty in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, SAGE today announces the second edition of The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, with 175 new articles and 775 updated original articles on poverty and its related issues. A five part set, this updated resource has expanded by two volumes, covering new categories relating poverty to health, education, environmental sustainability, technology, and more.

Examining civil wars from 1816 to today, CQ Press launches A Guide to Intra-state Wars

While the practice of war has been a feature of humankind for millennia, very few understand the phenomenon through systematic analysis, especially when it comes to organized warfare within states. Launching today, A Guide to Intra-state Wars: An Examination of Civil, Regional, and Intercommunal Wars, 1816–2014 uses data to illustrate how civil war is defined, as well as how the number, severity, location, and participation in intra-state warfare have changed through nearly 300 civil wars.

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Why Sage? Rewards for active Sage Editorial Board Members

Why join one of Sage’s Editorial Boards?

We understand that as an engaged member of the research community, you have a multitude of commitments competing for your attention alongside your day-to-day work – whether it’s applying for grants, securing funding, writing and peer-reviewing academic papers, teaching, presenting at or attending conferences – the list is endless.

What has changed in the field of cancer in the past decade? The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society, Second Edition

Los Angeles, CA- Since the first, award-winning edition of the Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society was published in 2007, there have been many developments in the field, including political controversies, unexpected upticks in the prevalence of adult smoking after decades of decline, and emerging scientific knowledge for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. That’s why SAGE has released the new, completely revised and updated The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society, Second Edition.

How has Africa affected America? Find out in: The SAGE Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America

Los Angeles– What does “African” mean to African descendants in North America? Is it important for people of African descent to exhibit African cultural traits in order to show acceptance of their heritage? What contributions have African cultures made to American society? Answering these questions and many others is the new The SAGE Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America.
