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Provider's Guide
Key Features
Table of Contents:
Section I: Historical Perspective
Chapter 1: Scope of the Problem
Chapter 2: History of Impaired DWI Countermeasures and Legislation
Chapter 3: Causative and Interactive Factors of Impaired Driving
Chapter 4: Characteristics of the Driving While Impaired Offender
Chapter 5: Underaged Impaired Drivers
Chapter 6: The Hard-Core Impaired Driver and Repeat Offender
Chapter 7: Perspectives on a Process and Convergent Validation Model for the Assessment of Impaired Driving Offender
Chapter 8: Counter Measures, Intervention and Treatment Approaches and Outcomes
Chapter 9: Overview of Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Chapter 10: Issues of Culture and Diversity Related to Impaired Driving and its Intervention: Enhancing Provider Cultural Competence
Section II: The Education and Treatment Platform
Chapter 11: Conceptual Framework for the Education and Treatment of the Impaired Driving Offender
Chapter 12: Characteristics of the Effective DWI Provider and the Client-Provider Relationship
Chapter 13: Assessment of the Driving while Impaired Offender
Chapter 14: Operational Guidelines and Procedures for Driving with Care Education and Treatment Protocols
Section III: The Education and Treatment Curriculums
Introduction to the Education and Treatment Service Protocols
Structure of the Curriculum Manual (Section III)
Screening of DWIO Clients into the Three Levels of Service
Introducing the Participant's Workbook
The Themes of the Education and Treatment Curriculum
Developing a Working Relationship with Clients
Resources for the Development of the Three Service Protocols
Alcohol, Other Drugs and Driving Safety Education: Level I Education
Overview and Introduction to Level I Education
Specific Goals and Objectives of Level I Education
Content Presentation and Delivery Strategies
Provider Skills and Service Strategies Needed for Level I Education
Completing Requirements and Expectations of Client
Driving with Care Inventory (DWCI)
Intake, Assessment and Orientation
Outline of Program Lessons
Participant's Workbook
Key Features
Table of Contents: Level I Education
Lesson 1: Program Orientation: Developing a Working Relationship
Lesson 2: Alcohol and Other Drug Impaired Driving: The Laws and Beyond the Laws
Lesson 3: Changing our Thoughts, Beliefs and our Actions: Learning Self-Control and Driving With Care
Lesson 4: Alcohol and Other Drugs: How do the Facts and Ideas About Alcohol and Other Drug Use Fit You?
Lesson 5: Understanding Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Use and Problem Outcome Patterns: How Do They Fit You? Awareness and Other Awareness
Lesson 6: Preventing Recidivism and Relapse
Table of Contents: Level II Education
Lesson 1: Program Orientation: Developing a Working Relationship
Lesson 2: Alcohol and Other Drug Impaired Driving: The Laws and Beyond the Laws
Lesson 3: How Our Thinking, Attitudes and Beliefs Control our Actions
Lesson 4: How Behavior is Learned and Changed: Learning Self-Control and Driving With Care
Lesson 5: Alcohol and Other Drugs: How Do the Facts and Ideas About Alcohol and Other Drug Use Fit You?
Lesson 6: Alcohol and Other Drug Use Patterns: How Do They Fit You?
Lesson 7: Problem Outcomes of Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Patterns of Misuse and Abuse: How Do They Fit You?
Lesson 8: Pathways to Relapse and Recidivism
Lesson 9: Process and Steps to Preventing Relapse and Recidivism
Lesson 10:Prevention Relapse and Recidivism: Building Personal Values and Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors and Driving With Care
Lesson 11: Preventing Relapse and Recidivism: Managing Stress and Emotions
Lesson 12: Preventing Relapse and Recidivism: Building Healthy Family and Social Relationships
Closure: Closing Your Program: Review and Reflection
Table of Contents: Level II Therapy
Session 1: Program Orientation: Understanding and Engaging the Change Process
Session 2: Program Orientation: In-Depth Assessment and Targets and Tools for Change
Session 3: Pathways to AOD Outcomes and Addiction
Session 4: Reviewing Your Problem Outcome Symptoms and Patterns
Session 5: Managing AOD Cravings and Urges
Session 6: Skills in Cognitive Self-Control: Recognizing and Changing Negative Thoughts
Session 7: Skills in Cognitive Self-Control: Recognizing and Changing Error in Thinking
Session 8: Skills in Cognitive Self-Control: Managing Stress and Depression
Session 9: Skills in Cognitive Self-Control: Recognizing and Managing Anger
Session 10: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Learning Communication Tools and Skills
Session 11: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Starting a Conversation
Session 12: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Giving and Receiving Positive Reinforcement
Session 13: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Learning Problem Solving
Session 14: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Assertiveness Skills
Session 15: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Practice Refusal Skills
Session 16: Social and Relationship Skills Building: Developing and Keeping Intimate Relationships
Session 17: Strengthening Recidivism and Relapse Prevention Skills
Session 18: Relapse and Recidivism Prevention: Your Relapse Recidivism Prevention Plan and Lifestyle Balance Session 19: Community Responsibility Skills: Strengthening Character and Prosocial Values and Behavior
Session 20: Community Responsibility Skills: Understanding and Practice Empathy
Session 21: Community Responsibility and Relationship Skills: Resolving Conflicts and Negotiation Skill Development