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Kenneth W. Wanberg, Th.D, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Colorado and is Director of Center for Addictions Research and Evaluation – CARE. He has worked as a counselor and psychologist in a state alcohol and drug treatment program for 15 years and as psychologist in a state you corrections program for 17 years. He did clinical work for over 50 years and had a private practice for 35 years from which he has retired. He has been doing research in the area of in the area of drug and alcohol abuse and criminal conduct for over 45 years.
Harvey B. Milkman, PhD is Scholar in Residence, Department of Psychology, and Metropolitan State University of Denver. His doctoral research was conducted at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City, on the User’s Drug of Choice. From 1980–1981, he studied addictive behavior in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. In 1985 he was recipient of a Fulbright-Hays Lectureship award at the National University of Malaysia. From 1992-2002 he was founder and director of Project Self-Discovery: Artistic and Adventure-Based Alternatives for At-Risk Youth. He has represented the U.S. Embassy and the United States Information Agency as a consultant in Australia, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Iceland, Turkey, and Russia.
David S. Timken, PhD, is Director and Senior Research Scientist of the Center for Impaired Driving Research and Evaluation (CIDRE), Boulder, Colorado. He is recognized internationally for his work in the areas of diagnosis and treatment for substance abusing drivers, and has over 50 years’ experience in the field. He developed the assessment, education, and treatment system for alcohol/drug related traffic offenders in Colorado and has published numerous technical manuals in the field.
Driving with Care Trainers (in addition to Authors)
Anjali Nandi, MA, LAC, MAC is an organizational consultant, psychotherapist, and master trainer. She supports criminal justice agencies, hospitals, medical providers, and schools to find innovative ways of developing their potential through leadership training, skill building, staff wellness and implementation of evidence-based practices. She has been a member of the International Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers since 2003.
Melanie Hue is the Clinical Director of Pangea Care, an integrated chemical dependency and mental health outpatient treatment facility located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Melanie’s mission is to develop workforce capacity through training, mentoring and teaching. She is a community faculty member at the University of Minnesota and is passionate about creating programs for underserved populations.