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Washington, DC - From Sleepy Hollow’s the Headless Horseman to Jason Bourne, Rambo, The A-Team, and Soldier of Fortune magazine, we’re fascinated by fictitious mercenaries and those who seem to be able to solve the world’s security issues in unique and behind-the-scenes ways. Are those types of soldiers really active in our world—or are they just a product of popular culture’s imagination?
UK. A group of UK-based investigators from Davies Veterinary Group and the UCL School of Pharmacy, who recently engaged the veterinary world with an article defining the previously undocumented syndrome of feline audiogenic reflex seizures (FARS), have published follow-up findings about the treatment of the condition.
SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce the launch of a new collection of streaming videos hosted on the SAGE Research Methods (SRM) platform, Practical Research and Academic Skills. Building upon SAGE’s extensive history of methods publishing across the wide range of the social and behavioral sciences, the videos teach the foundational skills needed to conduct research at any level and to succeed in academic life.
When the charity International Cat Care asked veterinary neurologists at Davies Veterinary Specialists, UK, for help with several enquiries it had received regarding cats having seizures, seemingly in response to certain high-pitched sounds, the answer was that the problem was not documented and little, if anything, was known about it.
Here, you will find information on Sage Catalyst, including the title list and how to use Talis Elevate in teaching.