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89 Results Found for "CQ6"


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Acquisitions Editors

Our team of dedicated editors bring years of experience as they look forward to helping you publish innovative and successful titles.

Textbook Editorial Contacts


Lily Norton
(805) 573-1537

SAGE and Expert System Announce Release of SAGE Recommends, a Discovery Tool Connecting Social Science Queries with Concepts

Allows semantic exploration of scholarly content across diverse formats and disciplines 

Los Angeles, CA- SAGE and Expert System today announced the release of SAGE Recommends, a new discovery capability within the SAGE Knowledge platform thatprovides users with links to related SAGE content to support academic research. Powered by Luxid® software, the feature uses SAGE’s new proprietary social science taxonomy to reveal connections between content and concepts across disciplines.

SAGE rings in 2019 by winning 6 awards

SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce the reception of a Modern Library Award (MLA) for SAGE Video and five Choice Outstanding Academic Title Awards for SAGE Research Methods, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, CBT for Beginners, CQ Press Voting and Elections Collection, and Statistics with R: A Beginner’s Guide

SAGE Publishing Brings Home Seven 2019 Textbook Awards

Seven SAGE Publishing titles have received 2019 Textbook Awards from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). A total of 31 textbooks were awarded amongst three categories: the William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award, the Textbook Excellence Award and the Most Promising New Textbook Award. For the second year in a row, SAGE is the only publisher to have received awards in every category.

From the Heart of Dixie (Alabama) to the Equality State (Wyoming), how does your state rank among the rest? State Rankings 2015: A Statistical View of America

Washington, DC Which state ranks first in per-capita personal income? Which one has the highest crime rate? Which state has the highest percentage of its population graduated from high school? Finding answers to questions like these can take a lot of research and time—unless the researcher has access to the new State Rankings 2015: A Statistical View of America, published annually by CQ Press.
