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How did today’s Washington get so politically divided?

CQ Press examines the pivotal 2014 election year in America Votes 31

Just two years after reelecting President Obama, how did Americans sweep Democratic power from the Senate and give Republicans even greater control of the House? Focused on election results and key data by county and district for the House, Senate, and governors’ elections from the 2013–2014 election year, America Votes 31 is published today by CQ Press (an imprint of SAGE Publishing).

CQ Researcher Report on Combat Journalism Wins 2014 Mirror Award

Los Angeles, CA - CQ Researchercontributing writer Frank Greve was honored yesterday with the 2014 John M. Higgins Award for Best In-Depth/Enterprise Reporting on the media industry, presented by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

COUNTER 4 Reports Now Available to SAGE Customers

Los Angeles, CA - Institutional Reports from COUNTER 4, the latest standard in usage reporting for journals, databases, books, and multimedia content, are now available for all SAGE and CQ Press products.

This update retires COUNTER 3 reports and adds three new reports to those previously available (asterisked):

How free are different countries in the world? Historical Guide to World Media Freedom: A Country-by-Country Analysis

Washington, DC - One important way to measure liberty is how free a citizen is to criticize his government—whether through the traditional print and broadcast news or the more modern social media. How much the news is censored is also a measurable indicator. Comparing media freedom throughout history and country by country is the new Historical Guide to World Media Freedom: A Country-by-Country Analysis, published by CQ Press.

How much does the government get involved with the sciences? Science and Politics: An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies

Washington, DC - From abortion and euthanasia to climate change, stem cell research, hydraulic fracturing, and medical marijuana, science has become increasingly politicized. This trend is deepened by the role government funding plays in scientific research and development. Exploring this uneasy alliance between two realms that, until recent times, had little to do with each other is the new Science and Politics: An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, published by CQ Press.

Your roadmap to the nation’s capital: Washington Information Directory 2015–2016

Washington, DC. Because it’s filled with so many different governmental and nongovernmental agencies, offices, and officials, Washington, D.C., feels like a foreign land to many Americans. How do they find the right contact at the right organization? Where do they find specifics about equal employment opportunities, finance and investments, housing, immigration, terrorism, internships, or consumer product and food safety? Washington Information Directory 2015–2016 from CQ Press Reference is the perfect place to turn. 

Are lobbyists good or bad for the American political process? Find out in Vital Statistics on Interest Groups and Lobbying

Washington, DC - Lobbyists and interest groups are often cast as the villains in the U.S. political process. Although there is an occasional mention of the money spent to lobby and the number of lobbyists, most of the negative press is based on anecdotes and not on actual data. Now CQ Press has published the new Vital Statistics on Interest Groups and Lobbying, an alternative approach to understanding the importance of lobbying to the U.S. political process.
