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Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Fourth Edition

July 2023 | 960 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Recipient of the 2024 Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) Textbook Excellence Award
This award recognizes excellence in current textbooks and learning materials.

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by award-winning author Gregory Privitera aims to not only inspire students to use statistics properly to better understand the world around them, but also to develop the skills to be lab-ready in applied research settings. Incorporating examples from current, relatable research throughout the text, Privitera shows students that statistics can be relevant, interesting, and accessible. Robust pedagogy encourages students to continually check their comprehension and hone their skills by working through problem sets throughout the text, including exercises that seamlessly integrate SPSS. This new Fourth Edition gives students a greater awareness of the best practices of analysis in the behavioral sciences, with a focus on transparency in recording, managing, analyzing, and interpreting data.

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1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Summarizing Data: Frequency Distributions in Tables and Graphs
3. Summarizing Data: Central Tendency
4. Summarizing Data: Variability
5. Probability
6. Probability, Normal Distributions, and z Scores
7. Probability and Sampling Distributions
8. Hypothesis Testing: Significance, Effect Size, Estimation, and Power
9. Testing Means: One-Sample t Test With Confidence Intervals
10. Testing Means: Two-Independent-Sample t Tests With Confidence Intervals
11. Testing Means: The Related-Samples t Test With Confidence Intervals
12. Analysis of Variance: One-Way Between-Subjects Design
13. Analysis of Variance: One-Way Within-Subjects (Repeated-Measures) Design
14. Analysis of Variance: Two-Way Between-Subjects Factorial Design
15. Correlation
16. Linear Regression and Multiple Regression
17. Nonparametric Tests: Chi-Square Tests
18. Nonparametric Tests: Tests for Ordinal Data
Appendix A. Overview of Core Statistical Concepts in the Behavioral Sciences
Appendix B. Basic Math Review and Summation Notation
Appendix C. SPSS General Instructions Guide With Steps for Evaluating Assumptions for Inferential Statistics
Appendix D. Statistical Tables
Appendix E. Chapter Solutions for Even-Numbered Problems


Instructor Website
Online resources included with this text

The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

The clarity in which the information is covered and the variety of ways that the information is presented is extremely impressive. For every concept, there is the text, figures, examples, and applications.

Allyson Phillips
Ouachita Baptist University

I like the idea of some more comprehensive connections between what students learn in lab and class; I think the SPSS components in the text create that connectedness.

Dana K. Donohue
Northern Arizona University

I believe this approach is much more effective, and I am so glad to see it!

Hilary Campbell
Blue Ridge Community College

The book is extremely well written and easy to follow.

Robyn Cooper
Drake University

The author did a great job on explaining each key concepts, and how to analyze data with SPSS is also clear.

Yukiko Maeda
Purdue University

Very well written and easy to follow for students.

Joshua L. Karelitz
Pennsylvania State University

Review as the primary source for the my Psych Stats course. Has great examples and easy to read.

Dr Melissa C. Baron
Psychology Dept, Kean University - Union
March 29, 2024
Key features


  • Inclusion of assumptions and assumptions testing ensures students understand the underlying principles of each statistical test, can perform assumptions testing in SPSS, and see appropriate datasets used for each example that conform to assumptions for each test.
  • Expanded and integrated coverage of power analysis, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing address not just whether an effect has occurred but how big the effect is and where the effect is so that students better appreciate the need for multiple points of evidence throughout the research process.
  • Earlier integration of the decision tree for determining statistical tests, with a focus on parametric and non-parametric testing to show meaningful alternatives when data doesn’t meet the assumptions of a test.
  • Expanded Data in Research feature boxes give students even more research examples from Chapters 1 through 8.
  • New and expanded Making Sense sections help students tackle most challenging statistical content with straightforward explanations and reinforcement of concepts.
  • Over 100 Learning Checks have been added or revised, including all new Learning Checks for the SPSS in Focus and APA in Focus sections.
  • All End-of-Chapter Problems have been fully revised.
  • The 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is included in the APA in Focus sections so students see the latest guidance for reporting results and is used throughout the text to demonstrate best practices in language use and citations. 
  • Updated scholarship includes introducing the context and research examples related to hypothesis testing in each chapter.
  • A new Appendix A provides narrative descriptions of statistics, its role in behavioral science, and places statistics in a broader research context.
  • All SPSS screenshots are updated for version 27 of SPSS.
  • An expanded author-created test bank with over 3,000 total questions gives instructors a wide variety of options for test creation.


  • A conversational writing style empowers students to view statistics as something they are capable of understanding and using.
  • Practice exercises place statistical analysis in the context of current scholarship.
  • All "by hand" calculations are also shown in SPSS to show how values in the formulas are computed and displayed in SPSS.
  • Making Sense sections break down the statistical concepts students typically find most challenging, review important material, and help students make sense of it.
  • SPSS in Focus features provide step-by-step, classroom-tested instruction using practical research examples of how chapter concepts can be applied using SPSS.
  • APA in Focus features explain how to summarize statistical results for each inferential statistic taught and how to read and report statistical results in research journals that follow APA style.
  • Data in Research features in Chapters 1 through 8 provide context by reviewing pertinent, current research that clarifies or illustrates important statistical concepts discussed in the chapter.
  • Current research examples, often based on data from published research, allow students to see the types of questions that behavioral researchers ask while learning about the statistics researchers use to answer them.
  • Learning Checks provide formative assessment so students can test their understanding of the material as they read.
  • Robust pedagogy, including step-by-step example problems, checkpoints for comprehension throughout the text, bolded, boxed, and defined key terms, a comprehensive suite of end-of-chapter problems, and a mathematics primer in an appendix, help students master key concepts and skills.
  • Over 30 chapter-ending review problems per chapter, categorized as Factual Problems, Concept and Application Problems, and Problems in Research, allow instructors to easily identify and specifically test the type of knowledge they want to assess. 


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