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Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice
A Text/Reader

March 2008 | 624 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Juvenile Justice: A Text/Reader offers a unique new spin on the core textbook format. Organized like a more traditional juvenile justice text, this text/reader is divided into eight sections that contain all the usual topics taught in a juvenile justice course. After a comprehensive overview, each section has an introductory "mini-chapter" that provides engaging coverage of key concepts, developments, controversial issues, and research in the field. These authored introductions are followed by carefully selected and edited original research articles. The readings, from prominent scholarly journals, were written by juvenile justice experts and often have a policy orientation that will help address student interest in the "so what?" application of theory.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Boasts extensive and unique coverage of the juvenile justice system, focusing on law enforcement, the court system, correctional responses to juvenile offending, and an overview of the causes of delinquency
  • Features a unique "How to Read a Research Article"—tied to the first reading in the book—to give students a guide to understand and learn from the edited articles that appear throughout the text.
  • Provides an introduction to each reading to give students an overview of the purpose, main points, and conclusions of each article.
  • Utilizes photographs, boxes, and suggested Web resources to enhance the book's presentation and engage student interest.
  • Offers a clear and concise summary of key terms and concepts in each section and discussion questions that enhance student comprehension


  • A Student study site at provides self-quizzes, e-flashcards, additional readings, and more.
  • Instructor Resources include journal articles and questions.

Intended Audience

This Text/Reader is designed to serve as a replacement for a core text, or a supplement text for upper-level undergraduate Juvenile Justice courses in departments of criminal justice, criminology, sociology and related disciplines.

Interested in a text/ reader for another criminology or criminal justice here? Explore other titles in the series.

The Extent and Seriousness of Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization

Measures of Juvenile Offending

Self-Report Measures

Delinquency Causation: An Overview

The Organization and Contents of the Book

Historical Overview of Juvenile Justice

The Origins of American Juvenile Justice

Houses of Refuge and Legal Doctrines

The "Child-saving" Movement

The First Juvenile Court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Versus Criminal Court: Legal and Procedural Distinctions

Federal and State Legislative Changes

Summary, Key Terms, Discussion Questions, Web Resources

How to Read a Research Article
Saving the Children: The Promise and Practice of Parens Patriae, 1838-1898 by Alexander W. Pisciotta

History Overtakes the Juvenile Justice System by Theodore N. Ferdinand

The Historical Legacy of Juvenile Justice by Barry Krisberg

Is Child Saving Dead? Public Support for Juvenile Rehabilitation by Melissa M. Moon, et. al.

The Police and Juvenile Crime

Police Roles and Responsibilities

Police-Juvenile Relations

Police Roles and Discretion

Juvenile Offending and Police Discretion

Race as a Factor in Juvenile Arrests

Alternatives to Police Arrest and Custody

Summary, Key Terms, Discussion Questions, Web Resources

Cops in the Classroom: A Longitudinal Evaluation of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) by Dennis P. Rosenbaum, et. al.

Reintegrative Police Surveillance of Juvenile Offenders: Forging an Urban Model by Susan Guarino-Ghezzi

Juvenile Curfews and the Courts: Judicial Response to a Not-So-New Crime Control Strategy by Craig Hemmens and Katherine Bennett

Gang Suppression Through Saturation Patrol, Aggressive Curfew, and Truancy Enforcement: A Quasi-Experimental Test of the Dallas Anti-Gang Initiative by Eric J. Fritsch, et. al.

Problem-Oriented Policing, Deterrence, and Youth Violence: An Evaluation of Boston's Operation Ceasefire by Anthony A. Braga, et. al.

Juvenile Court Intake

Juvenile Detention

Trends and Variations in Detention

Conditions of Confinement in Detention

Consequences of Being Detained

Preventive Detention and Predicting Dangerousness

Assessment of Juvenile Risks and Needs

Diversion and Alternatives to Juvenile Court Referral

Prosecutor Role in Intake and Court Referral

Summary, Key Terms, Discussion Questions, Web Resources

Race and the Impact of Detention on Juvenile Justice Decision Making by Michael J. Lieber and Kristan C. Fox

Assessments and Intake Processes in Juvenile Justice Processing: Emerging Policy Considerations by Daniel P. Mears and William R. Kelly

Best Implementation Practices: Disseminating New Assessment Technologies in a Juvenile Justice Agency by Douglas Young, et. al.

Overview of Waiver and Transfer

Judicial and Legislative Developments in Juvenile Transfer

The Law, Science, and Juvenile Transfer

Research on the Effects of Juvenile Transfer

Future Trends in Juvenile Transfer

Summary, Key Terms, Discussion Questions, Web Resources

The Transfer of Juveniles to Criminal Court: Reexamining Recidivism Over the Long Term by Lawrence Winner, et al.

A Critique of Waiver Research: Critical Next Steps in Assessing the Impacts of Laws for Transferring Juveniles to the Criminal Justice System by Daniel P. Mears

Adult Versus Juvenile Sanctions: Voices of Incarcerated Youths by Jodi Lane, et al.

Hard Choices or Obvious Ones: Developing Policy for Excluding Youth from Juvenile Court by Joseph B. Sanborn, Jr.

Juvenile Court Cases: Numbers and Trends

Juvenile Court Officials and Their Roles

The Juvenile Court Process

"Blended Sentencing"

Juvenile Court Trends and Reforms

Summary, Exercises and Discussion Questions, Useful Web Sites, Chapter Glossary

Origins of the Juvenile Court: Changing Perspectives on the Legal Rights of Juvenile Delinquents by Robert M. Mennel

The Punitive Juvenile Court and the Quality of Procedural Justice: Disjunctions Between Rhetoric and Reality by Barry C. Feld

Factors Perceived to Affect Delinquent Dispositions in Juvenile Court: Putting the Sentencing Decision Into Context by Joseph B. Sanborn, Jr.

Race, Legal Representation, and Juvenile Justice: Issues and Concerns by Lori Guevara, et. al.

History and Development of Juvenile Corrections

Institutional and Residential Programs

Juvenile Probation and Community Corrections

Intermediate Sanctions

Aftercare or Parole Supervision

Effectiveness of Juvenile Corrections

Current Issues and Future Trends in Juvenile Corrections

Summary, Exercises and Discussion Questions, Useful Web Sites, Chapter Glossary

Reexamining Community Corrections Models by Richard Lawrence

The Impact of Book Camps and Traditional Institutions on Juvenile Residents: Perceptions, Adjustment, and Change by Doris L. MacKenzie, et. al.

The Next Generation of Prisoners: Toward an Understanding of Violent Institutionalized Delinquents by Ashley G. Blackburn, et. al.

Adolescent and Teenage Offenders Confronting the Challenges and Opportunities of Reentry by David M. Altschuler and Rachel Brash

SECTION SEVEN: THE Future of Juvenile Justice
The Past as Prologue to the Future

Factors Affecting the Future of Juvenile Justice

Policy Issues for Juvenile Justice in the 21st Century

Delinquency Prevention and Juvenile Justice for the 21st Century

Summary, Exercises and Discussion Questions, Useful Web Sites, Chapter Glossary

Public Health and Prevention of Juvenile Criminal Violence by Brandon C. Welsh

Reviving Juvenile Justice in a Get-Tough Era by Jeffrey A. Butts and Daniel P. Mears

Defining Juvenile Justice in the 21st Century by Alida V. Merlo and Peter J. Benekos

The Comprehensive Strategy Framework by James C. Howell

Photo Credits
Author Index
Subject Index


Instructor Resources
Test questions, teaching tips and guidance on using journal articles with undergraduate classes.
Student study site
  • Self-quizzes
  • e-flashcards
  • Extra journal articles to update and expand the book's contents
  • and Web resources
Visit the Student study site at

"This is a breakthrough book-commentary and discussion ahead of relevant, complete articles/essays- profound!"

Dan Okada
Sacramento State University

This book is a well rounded presentation of not only historical concepts and logic regarding the evolution of the juvenile justice system, but the research articles included are valuable to the learning process. It gives my students something extra and promotes open discussion of the subject matter.

Professor Julie Wagner
Social Sciences Div, Univ Of Pittsburgh-Johnstown
January 8, 2021

I really like the text/reader format. Students can see the raw material from which textbooks are constructed. The format also forces the authors to be more concise and relevant in their summaries of the various topics.

Dr Richard Wiebe
Behavioral Sciences Dept, Fitchburg State University
February 22, 2016

This is just not the best book for my class. It would be a good supplemental text. I was seeking a primary text

Dr Tonisha Pinckney
School of Criminology and Justice Studies, University Of Mass At Lowell
August 10, 2014

Whilst it proved an interesting read - and may have been useful in a longer course - it provided only an American perspective.

Mr Nigel Roberts
youth and schools, centre for youth ministry
January 11, 2014

I liked the supplemental readings but found that the course I am teaching is an intro level juvenile justice course. I felt like the readings would be appropriate for more advanced students.

Dr Sarah Scott
Criminal Justice Dept, Texas State University - San Marcos
July 30, 2013

A useful and informative resource which is ideal for those students who want to explore this area in greater details.

Mrs Jo Pothecary
Foundation Studies, Wiltshire College
November 9, 2012

Fulfills need for basic information plus teaching critical thinking and comprehension skills. Provides multiple points of view and jumping-off places for discussion and inquiry.

Dr Richard Wiebe
Behavioral Sciences Dept, Fitchburg State College
July 9, 2010

Sage College Publishing

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