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Four Volume Set
Edited by:

March 2011 | 1 592 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

In 1968, Carl J. Friedrich, a prominent Harvard political scientist, suggested that federalism was not, as many observers then believed, an anomaly in the modern era, but rather a mode of governance that was moving to the forefront of political necessity and desirability in the second half of the twentieth century. This was a prescient observation. Federalism has become a leading mechanism for addressing problems of human diversity and political scale, both small and large. It establishes unity on the basis of consent while preserving diversity by constitutionally uniting separate political communities into a limited, but encompassing, polity.

This major reference collection, edited by one of the foremost scholars in the field, grapples with a large body of knowledge that does not neatly divide into theoretical categories and imposes a structure for the purposes of studying this complex political structure and process of governance. There is little significant consensus among scholars of federalism as to what constitutes the field and its subdivision so Federalism, a four volume set, attempts to signpost and map out the field for researchers, post-graduates and political scientists in general.

Volume I: Theories of Federalism

Volume II: Comparative Federalism

Volume III: Practices of Federalism

Volume IV: Potentials of Federalism

The Political Theory of Covenant: Biblical origins and modern developments

Daniel Elazar
Federalism at the Crossroads: Old meanings, new significance

Thomas Hueglin
The Origins of Federal Theory in International Relations Ideas

Patrick Riley
The Iroquois Confederation Constitution: An analysis

Donald Lutz
Rethinking 'The Federalist's View of Federalism'

Jean Yarbrough
Introduction to The Principle of Federation

Richard Vernon
New and Old Federalism: Faithful to the origins

Alexandre Marc
The Federalist Attitude

Denis de Rougemont
The Origin and Purposes of Federalism

William Riker
The Ends of Federalism

Martin Diamond
Values and Value Tradeoffs in Federalism

John Kincaid
Rethinking Federalism

Robert Inman and Daniel Rubinfeld
The 'Federal Principle' Reconsidered

Rufus Davis
Approaches to the Study of Federalism

Anthony Birch
A Note on the Nature of Federalism

William Livingston
Federal States and Federal Societies, with Special Reference to Canada

Donald Smiley
Alternative Models of Governance: Federalism, consociationalism, and corporatism

Herman Bakvis
Non-Majoritarian Democracy: A comparison of federal and consociational theories

Arend Lijphart
Federalism, Federative Systems, and Federations: The United States, Canada, and India

Douglas Verney
Federalism and Modernization: Canada and the United States

Milton Esman
Federalism vs. Decentralization: The drift from authenticity

Daniel Elazar
Federalism and Decentralization: Ownership rights and the superiority of federalism

Albert Breton
Federalism and Constitutional Design

Peter Ordeshook and Olga Shvetsova
Constitutional Arrangements of Federal Systems

Cheryl Saunders
Formation, Representation and Amendment in Federal Constitutions

Nicholas Aroney
The Distribution of Powers, Responsibilities and Resources in Federations

Ronald Watts
A Political Theory of Federalism

Jenna Bednar, William Eskridge Jr and John Ferejohn
A New Look at Federalism: The import of institutions

Nancy Bermeo
The Political Safeguards of Federalism: The role of the States in the composition and selection of the national government

Herbert Wechsler
Symmetry and Asymmetry as Elements of Federalism: A theoretical speculation

Charles Tarlton
Comparative Intergovernmental Relations

Robert Agranoff
The Joint-Decision Trap: Lessons from German federalism and European integration

Fritz Scharpf
Federalism, Redundancy and System Reliability

Martin Landau
Federalism: Problems of scale

Gordon Tullock
Federalism's Values and the Value of FederalismS Federalism as an Ideal Political Order and an Objective for Constitutional Reform

James Buchanan Robert Inman
Does Federalism Matter? Political choice in a federal republic

Susan Rose-Ackerman
The Existence and Stability of Interjurisdictional Competition

Albert Breton
The Competitive Challenge to Cooperative Federalism: A theory of federal democracy

John Kincaid
Exit Rights under Federalism

Richard Epstein
Federalism and Freedom: A critique

Franz Neumann
Force and Federalism: Controlling coercion in federal hybrid regimes

Brian Taylor
An Iron Law of Nationalism and Federation? A (Neo-Diceyian) Theory of the Necessity of a Federal Staatsvolk and of Consociational Rescue

Brendan O'Leary
Federalism and Democracy: Beyond the U.S. model

Alfred Stepan
Democracy, Multinationalism and Federalism

Juan Linz
Minority Nationalism and Multination Federalism

Will Kymlicka
Towards a Philosophy of Federalism

Wayne Norman
Federalism, Liberalism, and the Separation of Loyalties

Jacob Levy
Divided We Stand: Institutional sources of ethnofederal survival and collapse

Henry Hale
Consociations of Fatherlands: The revival of confederal principles and practices

Ivo Duchacek
An Essay on Fiscal Federalism

Wallace Oates
On the Evolution of Fiscal Federalism

Wallace Oates
Devolution, Grants, and Fiscal Competition

Richard Musgrave
The Dilemma of Fiscal Federalism: Grants and fiscal performance around the world

Jonathan Rodden
The Economic Role of Political Institutions: Market-preserving federalism and economic development

Barry Weingast
Reviving Leviathan: Fiscal federalism and the growth of government

Jonathan Rodden
The Political Economy of Federalism

John Chubb
Examining the Logic of World Federal Government

Louis René Beres
How Do Peaceful Secessions Happen?

Robert Young
Why Federations Fail

Thomas Franck
The Success and Failure of Federalism

Michael Burgess
The Obsolescence of Federalism

Harold Laski
Six Books in Search of a Subject; or Does Federalism Exist and Does It Matter?

William Riker
Can Federalism Make a Difference?

Vincent Ostrom
Johannes Althusius: Medieval constitutionalist or modern federalist?

Thomas Hueglin

This anthology is a remarkable place to either embark on a study of federalism or broaden one’s understanding of this diverse, and intriguing, field.

Troy E. Smith

Brigham Young University at Hawai’i