Electoral Behaviour
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Kai Arzheimer - University of Mainz, Germany
- Jocelyn Evans - University of Leeds, UK
July 2008 | 1 648 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This four-volume collection provides a rich overview of one of the core areas of political science research: voting. The quantitative study of voting behavior (psephology) in particular has developed as a highly specialized field since the 1980s and has spawned a vast literature from a wide array of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. This set maps out the development of psephology in the post-war period to its current state, and covers the following broad themes:
- Historical evolution of voting studies
- Sociological models
- Cognition and the voter calculus
- Electoral systems
- The electoral context
- Debates and methodology
Kai Arzheimer and Jocelyn Evans
Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-national perspectives
Seymour Lipset and Stein Rokkan
A Suggested Index of the Association of Social Class and Voting
Robert Alford
Religious vs. Linguistic vs. Class Voting: The "crucial experiment" of comparing Belgium, Canada, South Africa, and Switzerland
Arend Lijphart
Intergenerational Class Mobility in Three Western European Societies. England, France and Sweden
Robert Erikson, John Goldthorpe and Lucienne Portocarero
Class Mobility and Political Preferences: Individual and contextual effects
Dirk N. De Graaf, Paul Nieuwbeerta and Anthony Heath
The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women's and men's voting behavior in global perspective
Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris
Political Cleavage: A conceptual and theoretical analysis
Alan Zuckerman
A Theory of Critical Elections
V O. Key
Political Party Identification and Attitudes Toward Foreign Policy
George Belknap and Angus Campbell
The Concept of a Normal Vote
Philip Converse
The Transmission of Political Values from Parent to Child
Kent M. Jennings and Richard Niemi
The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics
Philip Converse
The Systematic Beliefs of the Mass Public: Estimating policy preferences with survey data
John Jackson
Stability and Change in 1960. A reinstating election
Philip Converse, Angus Campbell, Warren Miller, and Donald Stokes
A Dynamic Simultaneous Equation Model of Electoral Choice
Gregory Markus and Philip Converse
An Outline for a Model of Party Choice
Morris Fiorina
Partisanship and Voting Behavior, 1952-1996
Larry Bartels
Stability in Competition
Harold Hotelling
A Theory of the Calculus of Voting
Williams Riker and Peter Ordeshook
The Paradox of not Voting
John Ferejohn and Morris Fiorina
Costs of Voting and Nonvoting
Richard Niemi
Is Turnout the Paradox that Ate Rational Choice Theory?
Bernard Grofman
Spatial Models of Party Competition
Donald Stokes
The Neglected Role of the Status Quo in Models of Issue Voting
Bernard Grofman
The Measurement of Core Beliefs and Values: The development of balanced socialist / laissez faire and libertarian / authoritarian scales
Anthony Heath, Geoffrey Evans and Jean Martin
A Directional Theory of Issue Voting
George Rabinowitz and Stuart Elaine MacDonald
Political Leadership and Representation in Western Democracies: A test of three models of voting
Torben Iversen
The Impact of a Presidential Debate on Voter Rationality
Alan Abramowitz
Issue Ownership in Presidential Elections, with a 1980 Case Study
John Petrocik
A New Spatial Theory of Party Competition: Uncertainty, Ideology and policy equilibria viewed comparatively and temporally
Ian Budge
Interest vs. Symbolic Politics in Policy Attitudes and Presidential Voting
David Sears, Richard Lau, Tom Tyler and Harris Allen
Contrasting Rational and Psychological Analyses of Political Choice
George Quattrone and Amos Tversky
Foreign Affairs and Issue Voting: Do presidential candidates "waltz before a blind audience?"
John Aldrich, John Sullivan and Eugene Borgida
Anxiety, Enthusiasm, and the Vote: The motivational underpinnings of learning and involvement during presidential campaigns
George Marcus and Michael MacKuen
Nine National Second-order Elections: A systematic framework for the analysis of European election results
Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt
Voter Turnout in the Industrial Democracies During the 1980s
Robert Jackman and Ross Miller
Individual and Systemic Influences on Turnout: Who votes?
Jan Leighley and Jonathan Nagler
What Voters Teach us about Europe-wide Elections: what Europe-wide elections teach us about voters
Cees van der Eijk, Mark Franklin and Michael Marsh
Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson
John Muelle
Short-term Fluctuations in US voting Behaviour, 1896-1964
Gerald Kramer
The Vp-function - A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions after 25 Years
Peter Nannestad and Martin Paldam
Who's the Chef? Economic voting under a dual executive
Michael Lewis-Beck
Emotional Reactions to the Economy: I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore
Pamela Conover and Stanley Feldman
A Cross-national Analysis of Economic Voting: Taking account of the political context
Bingham G. Powell and Guy Whitten
The Real Economy and the Perceived Economy in Popularity Functions: How much do voters need to know? A study of British data, 1974-97
David Sanders
The Political Conditioning of Economic Perceptions
Geoffrey Evans and Robert Andersen
Why are American Presidential Election Campaigns Polls so Variable when Votes are so Predictable
Andrew Gelman and Gary King
Altering the Foundations of Support for the President through Priming
Jon Krosnick and Donald Kinder
Does Attack Advertising Demobilize the Electorate
Stephen Ansolabehere, Shanto Iyengar, Adam Simon and Nicholas Valentino
Messages Received: The political impact of media exposure
Larry Bartels
Political Context and Attitude Change
Michael MacKuen and Courtney Brown
The Veil of Insignificance
Harmut Kliemt
Attitudes and Voting Behaviour: An application of the theory of reasoned action
Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen
Secular Realignment and the Party System
O. V. Key
The Silent Revolution in Europe: Intergenerational change in post-industrial societies
Ronald Inglehart
Cognitive Mobilization and Partisan Dealignment in Advanced Industrial Democracies
Russell Dalton
Plus ça Change... The new Cps Election Study Panel
Philip Converse and Gregory Markus
Issue Evolution, Population Replacement and Normal Partisan Change
Edward Carmines and James Stimson
The Dynamics of Aggregate Partisanship
Janet Box-Steffensmeier and Renée Smith
Ideological Realignment in the US Electorate
Alan Abramowitz and Kyle Saunders
Recall Accuracy and its Determinants
Cees van der Eijk and Broer Niemöller
Design Issue in Electoral Research: Taking care of (core) business
Cees van der Eijk
"It's not Like that Round here": Region, economic evaluations and voting at the 1992 British general election
Charles Pattie and Ron Johnston
The Effects of Canvassing, Telephone Calls, and Direct Mail on Voter Turnout: a field experiment
Alan Gerber and Donald Green
Ecological Correlations and the Behavior of Individuals
William Robinson
The Economic Crisis of the 1930s and the Nazi Vote
Jurgen Falter and Reinhard Zintl
Response Latency Versus Certainty as Indexes of the Strength of Voting Intentions in a Cati Survey
John Bassili
A New approach for Modelling Strategic Voting in Multiparty Elections
Michael Alvarez and Jonathan Nagler