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173 Results Found for "900"


SAGE Publishing to publish Epilepsy Currents

SAGE Publishing will publish Epilepsy Currents beginning in 2019.

The official journal of the American Epilepsy Society (AES), Epilepsy Currents is a freely available online journal that publishes commentaries on recent significant research published in major epilepsy and seizure disorder journals. It is available in a print edition as well.

SAGE Publishing launches MentorSpace, a how-to hub for research methods

SAGE Publishing announces the launch of MentorSpace, a new free-to-access online community space that allows users to tap into the wisdom of those who have executed a specific aspect of the research process and want to share their knowledge with others. The site is a place for users to connect, share insights, learn from their colleagues, and broaden their professional networks.

Women build less effective professional networks then men as they underestimate self-worth

Understanding why women are less successful at networking is vital for the development of gender equality in the work place. A study, published by SAGE Publishing today in the journal Human Relations, contributes to this ongoing discussion, revealing that it is not only exclusion by men, but also self-imposed barriers including hesitation and gendered modesty that prevent women from networking as effectively as their male counterparts.

SAGE Publishing and the British Orthodontic Society announce partnership

SAGE Publishing has partnered with the British Orthodontic Society to publish its flagship journal, the Journal of Orthodontics (JOO). A quarterly peer reviewed journal with a global circulation, the first issue of the JOO to be published by SAGE will be in March 2019.

On behalf of the British Orthodontic Society, the President, Professor Jonathan Sandler commented:

SAGE Publishing acquires four Rowman & Littlefield journals

SAGE Publishing, a leading independent publisher of journals, books and digital resources across a broad range of academic disciplines, has acquired four journals from Rowman & Littlefield. Beginning in 2019, SAGE will publish the Journal of School Leadership (JSL), the International Journal of Educational Reform (IJER), Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, and Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology.

SAGE Publishing partners with the Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University to publish the Journal of Eurasian Studies

SAGE Publishing has partnered with the Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University to publish its flagship journal, the Journal of Eurasian Studies (ENS).

An open access journal, ENS is dedicated to researching the links between countries in the Eurasian region. The journal also includes research that focuses on the links with neighboring countries. By studying these links the open access journal aims to provide original views and research relating to Eurasian politics.

SAGE Publishing partners with East China Normal University to publish ECNU Review of Education Journal

SAGE Publishing announces today that it is to publish ECNU Review of Education (ROE) in partnership with East China Normal University (ECNU) and East China Normal University Press (ECNUP), Shanghai, China.

ROE is an English-language, open-access journal that focuses on research synthesis and cutting-edge educational research in China and the world. The journal also provides timely reviews of important educational research, policies, and issues.

According to Editor-in-Chief, Yuan Zhenguo, Dean of Faculty of Education, ECNU:

SAGE Announces Video and Data Additions to Award Winning Research Methods Resource  

SAGE Publishing announces today the release of SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2, a collection of 300 new datasets that demonstrate how-to support for data analysis, and SAGE Research Methods Video: Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods. With these additions, SAGE adds to its growing collection of resources that aid in the facilitation of data source training and data comprehension and analysis.  
