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173 Results Found for "900"


Chronicling crises in the world’s economies: The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, Second Edition

Los Angeles, CA- Addressing the changing world of poverty in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, SAGE today announces the second edition of The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, with 175 new articles and 775 updated original articles on poverty and its related issues. A five part set, this updated resource has expanded by two volumes, covering new categories relating poverty to health, education, environmental sustainability, technology, and more.

Applied Biosafety: Journal of ABSA International to move to SAGE Publishing

Los Angeles, CA- SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce that it has partnered with ABSA International to publish Applied Biosafety: Journal of ABSA International. ABSA International is committed to promoting global biosafety awareness, preventing exposures of biohazards in the laboratory and releases to the environment, and developing and sharing best safety practices among biosafety professionals, architects, engineers, and researchers that handle these substances through the publication of Applied Biosafety.

SAGE to begin publishing Media International Australia

London, UK. SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers, today announces that it is to begin publishing Media International Australia (MIA), a peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly research and reviews about media, telecommunications and cultural industries, policies and practices primarily focused on Australia and New Zealand.
