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Philp, Raleigh T.

Raleigh T. Philp Pepperdine University, USA

Raleigh Philp has taught at every level of public and private school from grade school through graduate school. Currently, he is a consultant for the California State Department of Education’s health related programs, and an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University, teaching science and health methods courses in the graduate school of education.

Over the last decade, Raleigh has devoted his academic efforts to studying the literature on brain research.  He is primarily interested in the application of neuroscience to learning. He is committed to helping educators better understand adolescent brain development so they may focus their instruction to reach students with varied learning methods. Raleigh has presented brain-compatible learning workshops and been a keynote speaker at universities, county offices of education, and school districts throughout California, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming. He is a past recipient of the California Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, as well as a Fulbright grant.

Engaging 'Tweens and Teens
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Professional Book
Engaging 'Tweens and Teens
A Brain-Compatible Approach to Reaching Middle and High School Students
Published: August 2006
From $41.95