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Ned F. Kock Texas A&M International University, Laredo, USA, Texas A&M International University
Ned Kock (Nereu Florencio Kock Jr.) is Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of MIS and Decision Science at Texas A&M International University. He holds degrees in electronics engineering (B.E.E.), computer science (M.Sc.), and management information systems (Ph.D.). Ned has authored several books, and published in a number of journals including Communications of the ACM; Decision Support Systems; IEEE Transactions on: Education, Engineering Management, and Professional Communication; Information & Management; Information Systems Journal, Information Technology & People; Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce; Journal of Systems and Information Technology; MIS Quarterly; and Organization Science. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of e-Collaboration, Associate Editor of the Journal of Systems and Information Technology, and Associate Editor for Information Systems of the journal IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. His research interests include action research, ethical and legal issues in technology research and management, e-collaboration, and business process improvement.