Michael Barkham University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Journal Clinical Case Studies ISSN: 15346501 Frequency: Bi-monthly Submit manuscript Read Online academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookPsychodynamic-Interpersonal TherapyA Conversational Model,First EditionMichael Barkham, Else Guthrie, Gillian E. Hardy, Frank MargisonPublished: February 2017From $51.00 reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookClinical Psychology IAssessment & FormulationMichael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan Llewelyn, Graham TurpinPublished: November 2012From $1,375.00 reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookClinical Psychology IITreatment Models & InterventionsMichael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan Llewelyn, Graham TurpinPublished: November 2012From $1,375.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookPsychodynamic-Interpersonal TherapyA Conversational Model,First EditionMichael Barkham, Else Guthrie, Gillian E. Hardy, Frank MargisonPublished: February 2017From $51.00
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookClinical Psychology IAssessment & FormulationMichael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan Llewelyn, Graham TurpinPublished: November 2012From $1,375.00
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookClinical Psychology IITreatment Models & InterventionsMichael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan Llewelyn, Graham TurpinPublished: November 2012From $1,375.00