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Bosch, Karen A.

Karen A. Bosch Virginia Wesleyan College, USA

Karen Bosch, Ph.D. is a professor of education and the Director of Teacher Education at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Virginia. She has been awarded the Most Inspiring Faculty Award from Old Dominion University and most recently has become the recipient of the Virginia Wesleyan College’s Batten Distinguished Faculty Award for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and passion for inspiring others. Karen has also written the book, The First Year Teacher, which prepares and supports beginning teachers in their first year and more. She has published articles in Middle School Journal, Current Issues in Middle Level Education, Clearing House, Journal of Computing in Education, and Journal of Research on Computing in Education. As an educational consultant, she conducts seminars and workshops on classroom management and effective teaching practices. She has presented her research and her teacher preparation program models at conferences nationwide. She was formerly a public school teacher and administrator.

Planning Classroom Management
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Professional Book
Planning Classroom Management
A Five-Step Process to Creating a Positive Learning Environment,Second Edition
Published: May 2006
From $39.95