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Ed M. Sermier
Ed Sermier is an adjunct professor at both Baruch College School of Public Affairs, City University of New York and at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University, where he teaches a courses in nonprofit finance, management, and leadership. He is also an independent consultant specializing in nonprofit financial planning and management. Over the course of his career, Sermier has held positions at many non¬profit organizations, including as director of national customized services for the Nonprofit Finance Fund, vice president, chief administrative officer, and director of program evaluation at Carnegie Corporation of New York, chief finan¬cial officer of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, and director of special edu¬cation as well as budget director for the New York City Board of Education. He developed the Financial Toolkit for Nonprofit Executives and Board Members, which provides a means to make financial data understandable to an organization’s decision makers. He holds an MBA from Columbia University.