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Social Problems Free Activities

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Social Problems: Sociology in Action, 2e

Try these free Social Problems activities in your class

Social Problems: Sociology in Action, 2e edited by: Maxine P. Atkinson and Kathleen Odell Korgen includes everything you need to get students doing sociology through real-world activities designed to increase learning, retention, and engagement. Each chapter is contributed by an expert and experienced teacher in that area who uses active learning in their courses.

Below, we have selected some exercises for you to try with your students. We hope you enjoy teaching with these! 


Activity 1: Making Sense of Migration and Immigration 

Confronting Social Problems 7.3 Push-Pull Profile

This assignment requires you to apply the push–pull framework to a real-life immigrant population, focusing on the social problems pushing people to migrate. Choose an active sender country and receiving country relationship (e.g., El Salvador and the United States, Turkey and Germany, India and the United Kingdom, Syria and Turkey) that will be the focus of your project...

Activity 2: Contesting Crime 

Confronting Social Problems 9.1 When You Are Expected to Commit Crimes

What is the relationship between deviance and crime? In this exercise, you will examine when social rules clash. In general, crimes are actions that society has declared deviant and are punishable with negative sanctions. However, there are behaviors deemed criminal that are normative in society...

Activity 3: Realizing the Power—and Vulnerability—of Institutions 

Confronting Social Problems 15.3 Democracy Versus Authoritarianism

What is authoritarianism and how does it threaten democracy? In this activity, you will consider the attributes of those who support democracy or authoritarianism...

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