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Journal of Literacy Research

Journal of Literacy Research

Published on behalf of the Literacy Research Association

eISSN: 15548430 | ISSN: 1086296X | Current volume: 56 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly
The Journal of Literacy Research (JLR) is a peer-reviewed journal that has contributed to the advancement research related to literacy and literacy education for over 50 years. JLR is a forum for sharing innovative research and pedagogy that considers a broad range of topics encompassing instruction and assessment, policy development, understandings of literacies, and relationships of ideology and knowledge. JLR particularly encourages papers that disrupt traditional notions of literacy and literacy instruction.

JLR publishes research and scholarly papers, including original empirical research and critical essays in its Insights column. Articles represent diverse research paradigms and theoretical orientations to consider literacy across various populations and global locations. Articles employ a variety of methodologies and modes of inquiry, such as mixed methods, ethnography, narrative and experimental.

Because JLR serves as an open forum, readers should not construe the contents as implying advocacy or endorsement by the Literacy Research Association, its officers, or its members. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

’s current acceptance rate is approximately 8%. Abstracts in languages other than English are regularly made available (i.e., Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, & Spanish).

The Journal of Literacy Research (JLR) is a peer-reviewed journal contributes to the advancement research related to literacy and literacy education. Current focuses include, but are not limited to:

  • Literacies from preschool to adulthood
  • Evolving and expanding definitions of ‘literacy’
  • Innovative applications of theory, pedagogy and instruction
  • Methodological developments in literacy and language research
Eurydice Bauer University of South Carolina, USA
Aria Razfar University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Allison Skerrett The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Christina L. Dobbs Boston University, USA
Bong Gee Jang Syracuse University, USA
Seth A. Parsons George Mason University, USA
Editorial Assistants
Lydia Carnesale University of South Carolina, USA
Claire Collins University of Texas at Austin, USA
Abby Dennison George Mason University, USA
Lauren Hunt University of South Carolina, USA
Svetlana Mitric University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Amanda Moon University of South Carolina, USA
Aimee Wilkerson University of Texas at Austin, USA
Yan Yan Boston University, USA
Literacy Research Association Executive Committee
Fenice Boyd, Vice President University of South Carolina, USA
Cassie Brownell, Parliamentarian University of Toronto, Canada
Sam DeJulio, Historian University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Marla Mallette, Treasurer Binghamton University, USA
Rachel Salas, Secretary University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Alfred W. Tatum, President Elect, Conference Chair 2023 Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA
Doris Walker-Dalhouse,President Marquette University, USA
David Yaden, Past President University of Arizona, USA
Literacy Research Association Standing Committee Board Members
Marcus Croom, Policy & Legislative Chair University of Rhode Island, USA
Tiffany Flowers, Ethnicity, Race & Multilingualism Chair Georgia State University, USA
Kate Kedley, Gender & Sexualities Chair Rowan University, USA
Alice Lee, Field Council Chair University of California, Riverside, USA
Emily Machado, Ethics Chair University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Research Chair University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
Chad Waldron, Diversity, Equity and Justice Chair Central Michigan University, USA
Lindsay Woodard, Technology & Digital Communications Chair George Mason University, USA
Melody Zoch, Publications Chair University of North Carolina, USA
Literacy Research Association Board Directors
Ana Christina da Silva Iddings Peabody College, USA
Zhihui Fang University of Florida, USA
Maria Paula Ghiso Columbia University, USA
Virginia Goatley University at Albany, SUNY, USA
Mary McVee University at Buffalo, USA
Raúl Alberto Mora Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Norway
Patriann Smith University of South Florida, USA
Bogum Yoon Binghamton University, USA
Rahat Zaidi University of Calgary, Canada
Editorial Review Board
Patricia A. Alexander University of Maryland, USA
Donna Alvermann University of Georgia, USA
Steven J. Amendum University of Delaware, USA
Jim Anderson University of British Columbia, Canada
Maren Aukerman Stanford University, USA
Richard Beach University of Minnesota, USA
Rita Bean University of Pittsburgh, USA
Thomas W. Bean Old Dominion University, USA
Mollie V. Blackburn The Ohio State University, USA
David Bloome The Ohio State University, USA
Gail Boldt Pennsylvania State University, USA
Stergios Botzakis University of Tennessee, USA
Maneka Brooks Texas State University, USA
Wanda Brooks Temple University, USA
Cathy Burnett Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Catherine Burwell University of Calgary, Canada
Joanne Carlisle University of Michigan, USA
Gina N. Cervetti University of Michigan, USA
Kelly Chandler-Olcott Syracuse University, USA
Chris Chang-Bacon University of Virginia, USA
Byoung-Young Cho University of Pittsburgh, USA
Julie Coiro University of Rhode Island, USA
Mikel W. Cole Clemson University, USA
Ross Collin Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Thomas Crisp Georgia State University, USA
Jerry D'Agostino The Ohio State University, USA
Bridget Dalton University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Dacian Dolean Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Curt Dudley-Marling Boston College, USA
Elizabeth Dutro University of Colorado, USA
Julie Dwyer Quinnipiac University, USA
Patricia Edwards Michigan State University, USA
Patricia Enciso The Ohio State University, USA
Grace Enriquez Lesley University, USA
Kathy Escamilla University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Zhihui Fang University of Florida, USA
Rachel Gabriel University of Connecticut, USA
Janet S. Gaffney University of Auckland, New Zealand
Georgia Garcia University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
James Gavelek University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Maria Paula Ghiso Columbia University, USA
Jennifer Graff University of Georgia, USA
Priscilla L. Griffith University of Oklahoma,USA
Marcelle Haddix, Past President Syracuse University, USA
Leigh A. Hall University of Wyoming, USA
Lara Handsfield Illinois State University, USA
Douglas K. Hartman Michigan State University, USA
Kathleen A. Hinchman Syracuse University, USA
Susan Hopewell University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Rosalind Horowitz The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
George G. Hruby University of Kentucky, USA
Gay Ivey University of North Carolina-Greensboro, USA
Laura Jimenez Boston University, USA
Ted Kesler Queens College, City University of New York, USA
James R. King University of South Florida, USA
Valerie F. Kinloch University of Pittsburgh, USA
Susan Lutz Klauda University of Maryland, USA
Michele J. Knobel Montclair State University, USA
Julie Learned SUNY Albany, USA
Alice Lee, Field Council Chair University of California, Riverside, USA
Cynthia Lewis University of Minnesota, USA
Tisha Lewis Ellison University of Georgia, USA
Julia Lopez-Robertson University of South Carolina, USA
Patrick Manyak University of Wyoming, USA
Anne McGill-Franzen The University of Tennessee, USA
Mary McVee University at Buffalo, USA
SJ Miller University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Kathy A. Mills Queensland University of Technology, Australia
George Newell The Ohio State University, USA
David O'Brien University of Minnesota, USA
Kate Pahl Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Jeanne Paratore Boston University, USA
Nathan Phillips University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Iliana Reyes University of Arizona, USA
Victoria J. Risko Vanderbilt University, USA
Rebecca L. Rogers University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA
Jen Scott-Curwood University of Sydney, Australia
Marjorie Siegel Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Allison Skerrett The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Peter Smagorinsky University of Georgia, USA
Anna Smith Illinois State University, USA
Patriann Smith, Parliamentarian University of South Florida, USA
Patrick Smith Texas State University, USA
Lucinda Soltero-Gonzalez University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Hiller Spires North Carolina State University, USA
Keonghee Tao Han University of Wyoming, USA
Alfred W. Tatum, President Elect, Conference Chair 2023 Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA
F. Blake Tenore Florida State University, USA
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Research Chair University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
Jennifer Turner University of Maryland, USA
Kristin Hawley Turner Drew University, USA
Norman Unrau California State University Los Angeles, USA
Doris Walker-Dalhouse,President Marquette University, USA
Melissa Wetzel University of Texas at Austin, USA
Ian A. Wilkinson The Ohio State University, USA
Amy Alexandra Wilson Utah State University, USA
Karen E. Wohlwend Indiana University - Bloomington, USA
Jo Worthy The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Haeny Yoon, Ethics Chair Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Angie Zapata University of Missouri, USA
Worldwide Languages San Antonio, TX, USA
  • Cabell's
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • ISI Basic Social Sciences Index
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • PsycINFO
  • Psychological Abstracts
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Manuscript Portal

    Submit your manuscript to The Journal of Literacy Research (JLR) through Sage Track here:

    First-time users will need to create an account by selecting a username and password. Be sure to enter your email address and select areas of expertise. After creating an account, log in to the Author Center to submit your manuscript.

    Please note that editors do not review manuscripts outside of the desk review process.


    Editorial Policy on Manuscript Review
    Submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by the editors for research integrity, topic suitability, and reporting format. Submitted manuscripts may be returned without further review if judged not appropriate for publication in JLR.

    Manuscripts meeting initial screening criteria are sent to members of the editorial board or other qualified literacy researchers for anonymize, peer-review. The principal criteria used in judging manuscripts are the: (a) significance of their contribution to the field of literacy, (b) soundness of the methods employed in the research, (c) rigor of the scholarly argument(s), and (d) clarity of the writing.

    The editors strongly encourage potential authors to consult the following two documents as applicable in the shaping of their intellectual arguments: “Standards for Reporting Empirical Social Science Research” (AERA, 2006) and “Standards for Reporting Humanities Oriented Research” (AERA, 2009) which can be found at

    Potential contributors who have specific questions about editorial policy, manuscript preparation, or the review process are encouraged to contact Dr. Eurydice Bauer, Editor, Journal of Literacy Research, Instruction and Teacher Education,

    College of Education, University of South Carolina. Email:


    Manuscript Preparation
    Potential authors are encouraged to align their work with the goals of the journal and are encouraged to examine previous issues of JLR for style presentation. We encourage authors to capitalize on the research presented in previous issues of JLR by checking that submitted papers are making sufficient reference to JLR.

    We encourage authors to avoid dehumanizing language such as “struggling reader,” “failing schools,” “dyslexics,” “special education students,” and “high poverty schools.” We also encourage authors to avoid bias in their language related to gender and the representation of gender in their work.

    All manuscripts submitted to the JLR must be original works of the author(s), which have not been published previously in any form or submitted simultaneously to other journals.


    Manuscript Submission

    All documents submitted for review must be fully masked (anonymized).  This requires removing all identifying information (authors’ names, affiliated institutions, and the year of publication by the author) from all manuscripts, tables/figures, author’s response letters, cover letters, and appendices during the peer review process. Instead, in the body of the manuscript and in the reference section please write the word Author followed by the word YEAR until the manuscript is accepted (e.g. Author, Year).

    Empirical Articles

    Manuscripts must be anonymized and double-spaced using Times New Roman 12 point font.  A maximum length of 10,500 words (inclusive of references) for traditional submissions is allowed. For traditional submissions, the manuscript should be reduced by 450 words for every table/figure (with a limit of no more than 3 tables or figures per manuscript). Tables and figures much be directly germane to the main argument of the paper.

    The editors encourage authors to use the repository; supplementary materials such as appendices, tables, or figures should be submitted as supplemental materials. Each supplemental material must be submitted as an individual file.  Upon acceptance and publication, these supplemental materials may be retrieved by interested readers from an online archive supported by Sage with the URL link printed in the final article. These supplementary materials must conform to APA guidelines for such graphical elements.

    Insight Essays

    Manuscripts must be anonymized and double-spaced with a maximum length of 3,000 words (inclusive of references). Insight essays may be invited or submitted. Insight essays draw from multi or interdisciplinary perspectives to challenge, expand and/or evolve notions of literacy. Submissions that engage with disciplines and theoretical perspectives traditionally outside of the scope of literacy and language education are particularly welcomed.

    All submissions (empirical and Insight Essays) must conform to the guidelines of American Psychological Association’s Manual of Style (7th ed).

    Additionally, please adhere to the following guidelines:

    • submission of 8 ½” x 11” manuscript with 1” margins in Microsoft Word format;

    • 12pt Times New Roman font and double-spaced;

    • running header (the title of the manuscript in all capital letters) flush left and page numbers flush right;

    • first line of all paragraphs indented;

    • block quotations (40 words or more) should be indented 1/2 inch;

    • headings and reference list in APA format and fact-checked; and

    • references to the author(s) must be deleted and replaced with “Authors (Year A)” etc., and author(s) own citations in the reference list should be alphabetically ordered as “Author. (Year).” for anonymizing purposes.

    Submissions should include:

    a) anonymized manuscript following the guidelines above;

    b) separate title page including name, affiliation, address, phone number, email address of the author and all coauthors;

    c) one-paragraph abstract limited to 150 words should accompany all submissions. The abstract should be written without citations;

    d) up to 5 keywords (the terms that researchers will use to find your article in indexes and databases) at the bottom of the abstract (limited to five key words and/or 85 characters with spaces); and

    e) titles will be limited to 66 characters (with spaces).

    Tables and Figures. Placement and titles for tables and figures in the text should follow APA 7th edition formatting. Tables and figures should be uploaded as a separate document from the main document as individual files.

    Illustrations. Figures and photos accompanying an initial submission must be provided as production-ready. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page; EPS, TIFF, JPEG, and PDF files are preferred; Microsoft Office files are also acceptable as long as they meet the other guidelines listed here. Please submit illustrations as separate documents, not embedded in text files, and submit in grayscale, not color.  Within the manuscript, a placeholder should be used to mark the approximate location for each table/figure.

    Permissions. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to use a lengthy quotation (exceeding the limits of fair use) or to reprint or adapt a table or figure published elsewhere. Authors should write to the original author(s) and publisher of such material to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use in print and non-print versions of the present article and in all future editions. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained.

    Please direct any questions to

    Manuscripts that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned to the author.


    Sage Choice and Open Access
    For more information on open access options and compliance at Sage, including self-author archiving deposits (green open access) visit Sage Publishing Policies on our Journal Author Gateway.

    For more information, please refer to the Sage Manuscript Submission Guidelines.


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    The collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this journal. If you already have an ORCID iD you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID iD will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

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