Mental Health Nursing
An Evidence Based Introduction
- Steven Pryjmachuk - University of Manchester, UK
Mental Health
This book introduces you to the core skills and essential knowledge you need to deliver high-quality care.
Mental Health Nursing is a practical, values- and evidence-based resource which will guide and support you through your pre-registration mental health nursing programme and into your own practice.
Dedicated chapters focus on the major mental health problems, and are clearly structured so that you can quickly and easily identify what you want learn about helping people with, for example, depression, anxiety, psychosis, or acute mental health problems.
The most up-to-date theories, as well as mental health policies and law from all four countries of the UK, are explained accessibly by experienced lecturers and nurse practitioners who show you through real-life case scenarios how you can use your newly-acquired knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality care yourself. You will also be encouraged - through regular reflection and discussion points - to see things with a critical eye and to engage in and drive on the debates that make mental health nursing such an exciting field to be studying and working in.
Set within a framework which emphasises and makes clear the core skills, values and knowledge-base you need to become capable mental health nurse, you will find this book a vital companion as you progress through your studies and onto helping people confidently in everyday life.
This is an excellent book that details different theoretical perspectives and core values of mental health nursing.
It offers evidence based approaches to working with people with mental health issues and as such in invaluable to pre-registration students.
I highly recommend this book and as such have listed it as essential reading for my students.
Provides a fantastic overview of the evidence base process in mental health nursing as well as a complete explanation for pre-reg students into the practices of the mental health nurse.
This book is a clear contemorary addition to our bookshelves. Is clearly prioritises the key concepts relevant to working in this area and to interested students. The first chapter on theoretical perspectives has been particularly useful so far in initiating debate for our Foundation Degree students in mental health.
I found the book extremely useful. I particularly liked the reflection, discussion points and case scenarios. The wording was easy to understand and the information in the boxes straight to the point. The book also gave plenty of further reading and resources. Altogether a good read to help me with my course.
To run side by side with Leadership and Management (Level 5) courses. Students would be wise to keep the book within close range. I could not put it down! This book would be helpful to anybody who is working in Mental Ill Health (and some LD) contexts.
Very good book that introduces students to the area of mental health nursing. It starts from the very basics and moves on from there.
Since reading the book and talking to colleagues within the college and lecturers at universities, have recently found that it is a recommended text for the first year of Mental Health Nursing course at the university.
It is clear to understand and has activities for discussion and to ensure understanding for the reader so can be used within a taught session or referred to.
At the back of the book there is a glossary with many of the terms needed although this is not overly large.
Will help with the extended essays next year by students who wish to go into this field of Nursing in the future, will recommend to the library within the college.
I found this to be a most interesting text book, not just for Nursing Students but also for those underataking Level 3/5 Diplomas in Health and Social Care, where receivers of the Care have Mental ill Health. It is set out in a way that vocational learners will appreciate. The book offers theory and competence. Certainly recommended to my HND/HNC students.
This book is really focussed on the needs of mental health nurses, however it also provides a very good supplement resource to the adult nurse who is unfamiliar with mental nursing concepts and practices. The text is well written, relatively easy to understand. The case scenarios are particularly intersting and should stimulate good debate in classroom settings. The other illustrations, tables, graphs used etc are also invaluable in helping the reader to quickly appreciate some of the main themes presented in the text.
A very accessible introduction to Mental Health Nursing which is both contemporary and comprehensive in its content. Offers a good grounding in the knowledge base required by the student.
A very good book for each advanced practice psychiatric nurse