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New titles in the series:
The Transforming Nursing Practice series is tailor-made for pre-registration student nurses, with each book in the series addressing a core topic from their nursing degree.
Series Editor: Barbara Entwisle, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Special pricing on the complete QASS set is available only by contacting Customer Service directly at 1-800-818-SAGE (7243).
2019 QASS complete bundle ISBN: 9781071839041
2020 QASS complete bunlde ISBN: 9781071854570
*Please note that the Complete Set bundle is updated annually.
Series Editors: Richard D. Parsons, PhD and Naijian Zhang, PhD
SAGE's Counseling and Professional Identity (CPI) Series fosters the development of knowledgeable- and caring professional counselors by providing texts for a wide range of courses offered in most Counseling training programs. The CPI text authors are both instructors and practitioners whose content is informed by their field-tested experience. Case illustrations, self reflection exercises, and keystone summaries help future counselors practice their skills and develop their professional identity.