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229 Results Found for "History"


Can colleges create prosperous communities?

Colleges and universities, increasingly, are being viewed as engines of economic growth – and therefore measured against their ability to fulfil that role. The trend is intimately bound up with the shift, in most developed nations, toward a knowledge-based economy. Can colleges and universities provide a positive impact on our economy? Or are they overselling their economic impact and should they be doing a better job of working with their communities to better support both their local and wider global economy?

SAGE Publishing to begin publishing the journal Feminist Review

With the recent focus on the #Metoo campaign, intersectional feminisms and the gender pay gap in the UK, feminism and its associated challenges has once again been firmly placed on the public agenda. These recent developments reflect the vitality and complexity of feminist scholarship and activism, which is constantly changing and providing challenging debates and ideas.

SAGE Publishing acquires four Rowman & Littlefield journals

SAGE Publishing, a leading independent publisher of journals, books and digital resources across a broad range of academic disciplines, has acquired four journals from Rowman & Littlefield. Beginning in 2019, SAGE will publish the Journal of School Leadership (JSL), the International Journal of Educational Reform (IJER), Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, and Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology.

SAGE Announces Video and Data Additions to Award Winning Research Methods Resource  

SAGE Publishing announces today the release of SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2, a collection of 300 new datasets that demonstrate how-to support for data analysis, and SAGE Research Methods Video: Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods. With these additions, SAGE adds to its growing collection of resources that aid in the facilitation of data source training and data comprehension and analysis.  
