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744 Results Found for "Education"


Hispanic women who identify as White are healthier than those who don’t

Hispanic women who identify as Black or another race have worse functional health than their counterparts who identify as White, according to new research. Out today, this research is part of a new special issue of Research on Aging (ROA, a journal from SAGE Publishing) focused on aging and health among Hispanic populations in the United States and in Latin America.


The environment at Sage is personal and inviting. Placing a high value on the relationship with our authors, we work diligently to form strong publishing partnerships.

SAGE Research Methods Datasets launched to teach research methods through practice

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Research Methods Datasets, a new resource that supports the teaching and independent learning of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods used in the social sciences. Using real-world data from around the world accompanied by step-by-step instructions, this resource teaches statistical and analytical techniques used in Business, Education, Health, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, among other disciplines.

Sage Handbooks: The Latest Releases

SAGE Handbooks are edited collections of specially commissioned chapters that are intended to be reviews, accounts or audits of a discipline or sub-discipline. Each Handbook chapter has breadth, depth, and multiplicity as well as illuminating a theme and identifying  key questions within the discipline.

Browse our latest Handbook publications and forthcoming titles, and enjoy savings when you purchase multi-volume Handbooks pre-publication!

Business & Management Studies

May I help you? Learn how to provide the best service and products in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy

Los Angeles, CA- Today's consumers have unending choices. They can now easily shop locally, online, or even outside the country. That's why they insist on the highest quality of both products and services. Successful manufacturers and service industries must stay up-to-date on the latest research about how to improve products, services, and consumer experience if they want their business to grow. Providing the much needed knowledge is the new The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy.

How has Africa affected America? Find out in: The SAGE Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America

Los Angeles– What does “African” mean to African descendants in North America? Is it important for people of African descent to exhibit African cultural traits in order to show acceptance of their heritage? What contributions have African cultures made to American society? Answering these questions and many others is the new The SAGE Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America.
