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35 Results Found for "Criminology & Criminal Justice"


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SAGE to publish European Journal of Probation

Los Angeles, CA SAGE today announced a partnership with the University of Bucharest to publish its journal, European Journal of Probation (EJP) from 2014. A peer reviewed academic journal with a European outreach, EJP publishes comparative research on probation and community justice.

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Interpersonal conflict is the strongest predictor of community crime and misconduct

Criminology researchers use big data to track neighborhood decline in a special issue of Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

Los Angeles, CA. Neighborhoods with more interpersonal conflict, such as domestic violence and landlord/tenet disputes, see more serious crime according to a new study out today in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (JRCD). Private conflict was a better predictor of neighborhood deterioration than public disorder, such as vandalism, suggesting the important role that individuals play in community safety.
