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Annual ACJS Conference Takeaways

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Annual ACJS Conference Highlights and Takeaways

By Zach Valladon, Acquisitions Editor, Criminal Justice & Criminology

photo of 2023 ACJS Award winners

Zach Valladon (center) pictured with the four recipients of the 2023 ACJS/Sage
Junior Faculty Professional Development Teaching Award
(from left to right): Min
Zhang, Kenny Loui, Mark Magidson, and Chloe Robinson.

“A family reunion for scholars and practitioners in the field”

As an Acquisitions Editor at Sage Publishing, working on Criminal Justice & Criminology titles, this was my first time attending the annual ACJS conference, and I must say, it was a wonderful experience. The sense of community and camaraderie that permeated the entire experience felt like a family reunion for scholars and practitioners in the field. 

For both publishers and educators, the 15th Annual ACJS/Sage Professional Development Teaching Workshop offered a stand-out experience to learn about new and innovative methods for teaching and mentoring from some leading figures from across the discipline. The workshop was well-organized, thanks to the leadership of Brian Payne, and the sessions on covering race in a course, mentorship, and digital course materials were engaging and informative.

Meeting some of our Sage authors for the first time and watching them share their perspectives with emerging teaching professionals is an opportunity only a conference like this can provide. I was thrilled to see so many passionate and dedicated individuals in the field of Criminal Justice come together to share their best practices and cutting-edge research, as well as see how experienced professionals share their knowledge and insights with the next generation of experts. Additionally, I had the opportunity to connect with professors and researchers who may be brought into the Sage fold in the futurebuilding relationships with scholars and practitioners is essential to publishing top-quality scholarship and teaching materials, and this conference provides a great platform from which to do so.

Also exciting was the opportunity to meet the four 2023 recipients of the ACJS/Sage Junior Faculty Professional Development Teaching Award. Hearing about their research and teaching methods was an enlightening peek into what is happening in our new hybrid world of learning. 

The annual ACJS conference is a truly enriching experience. A special thanks is owed to Denise Boots, President of ACJS, whose opening remarks were a testament to her passion and vision for a future in Criminal Justice that is equitable and forward thinking.

Here's to looking forward to next year's event!