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London, UK. SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers today announced the purchase of the full portfolio of journals from the open access (OA) publisher, Libertas Academica. The acquisition marks a significant milestone in SAGE’s OA publishing program.
SAGE Publishing announces that it has expanded its open access program to include monographs, scholarly works that present academic research on a single topic, in-depth. Titled SAGE Open Long Form: Open Access Monographs, the new program will include works that have undergone several layers of review and make them accessible to the broadest community of social, behavioral, and humanities scholars.
SAGE Publishing will publish Epilepsy Currents beginning in 2019.
The official journal of the American Epilepsy Society (AES), Epilepsy Currents is a freely available online journal that publishes commentaries on recent significant research published in major epilepsy and seizure disorder journals. It is available in a print edition as well.
The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires that articles receiving NIH funding are deposited in PubMedCentral (PMC) and made available for public access no later than twelve months after publication. Sage supports authors depositing their Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript at any time and in any format in PMC.
The following journals have arranged automatic deposit into PubMedCentral of the Author Accepted Manuscript of articles indicating NIH funding:
SAGE Publishing is signing a new open access publishing agreement with Bibsam Consortium, serving 42 of the member institutions including universities, university colleges, and government funded research institutions. The three-year read and publish agreement applies to all articles received and accepted from January 1st, 2020 and will provide Swedish researchers with:
There are a number of open peer review methods available. At Sage, the open reviewer reports we offer on selected journals all utilize the ScholarOne Transparent Peer Review Program.
All our publishing is subject to international copyright legislation to protect us and you. These FAQs introduce the main points that affect you when submitting your work to Sage. They focus on the legislation of the US and the UK, both of which meet the requirements of international copyright frameworks.
Your journal’s editor, or production editor at Sage, will be able to provide further guidance, and answer questions not covered below.
The following guidelines outline Sage’s general policy for handling supplemental material, but please always refer to individual journal author guidelines to check for any bespoke policies.
London, UK - SAGE and SingHealth have today announced a new partnership to publish SingHealth’s flagship journal, Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, as of September 2015. The journal will remain owned by SingHealth but will be published by SAGE.
London, UK. SAGE Publishing, a leading independent and academic publisher, today announced the launch of three new exclusive SAGE Video collections: Business and Management, Politics and International Relations and Psychology.