Peter Wagner University of Barcelona, Spain Peter Wagner is Professor of Social and Political Theory in the Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence Journal International Sociology ISSN: 02685809 Frequency: Bi-monthly Submit manuscript Read Online academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingA History and Theory of the Social SciencesNot All That Is Solid Melts into AirPeter WagnerPublished: September 2001From $34.00 Review copy available academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookTheorizing ModernityInescapability and Attainability in Social Theory,First EditionPeter WagnerPublished: March 2001From $76.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingA History and Theory of the Social SciencesNot All That Is Solid Melts into AirPeter WagnerPublished: September 2001From $34.00 Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookTheorizing ModernityInescapability and Attainability in Social Theory,First EditionPeter WagnerPublished: March 2001From $76.00