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Wilkinson, David

David Wilkinson University of Leeds, UK

David has worked in higher education for over 10 years, teaching on a range of programmes of study – at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has been a researcher for a number of years – working with a number of public and private sector organisations – and has undertaken a variety of research projects funded by a variety of sponsors. David began his research and teaching career whilst working towards his PhD (in 1994) at City University, and regularly contributed to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes – as well as providing development support for web-based and distance learning materials. In 1997 he moved to the University of Cambridge, Institute of Education and provided research support and administration to a nationally funded project to assess and evaluate the user-friendliness of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. In 1998 David progressed to a Research Officer post at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), and worked on a wide range of education-related research projects. From 1999 to present David has been primarily associated with the University of Leeds, working variably as a researcher, programme/materials developer and lecturer. He has published material relating to various aspects of his work and he is an editorial advisory board member for the journal Practice Development in Healthcare.