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I’m having trouble transmitting an accepted paper from Sage Track to production.
Once a manuscript is accepted in Sage Track, it goes through three tasks—
Manuscripts must be assigned to the Sage Production batch and exported to reach production. For further assistance, contact the Peer Review Specialist.
How should content for a supplemental issue be handled?
Supplement material can be submitted through Sage Track or provided directly to your PE. Be sure to clearly designate any supplement articles upon submission. Please remember that articles cannot be submitted to production until the supplement contract is signed.
When will an issue be posted online?
We strive to post each issue online by the beginning of that issue’s cover month, and ideally around the same time that print subscribers receive issues in their mailboxes. However, sometimes additional time is needed to ensure appropriate quality. Sign up for email alerts about online issue postings.
Do authors receive alerts for online publication?
Yes, authors are notified by email at the following production stages: when their article enters Sage production, when it has been published OnlineFirst, and when it has been published in an issue.
Can an author have a PDF of their article?
Yes, authors are emailed a link for viewing and/or downloading their article at OnlineFirst publication and issue publication. Additionally, PEs can provide a PDF by email if an author requests it.
I have lost my online password for…
1. Journal website: Please ask your publishing editor
2. SMART: Please ask your PE to reset it
3. Sage Track: On your journal’s Sage Track homepage (the Log In page), enter your e-mail address in the field below “Forgot your Password” and click “Go”. You will receive an e-mail that provides a temporary one-use password and instructions on how to create a new password.
How do authors of NIH-funded work submit their manuscripts to PubMed Central and what version of the manuscript should be deposited?
Authors must submit final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to the digital archive PubMed Central (PMC) upon acceptance for publication. The policy requires that these papers are made available on PMC no later than 12 months after publication. Authors should visit the NIH/PubMed deposit website ( to deposit the “final accepted version” of the manuscript. For further information please see Sage’s Green Open Access: Sage’s Archiving and Sharing Policy.
What is Open Access?
Open access content is made freely available to under the terms of a Creative Commons licence. Open access publication is usually subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC) paid by the author, institution or funding body. At Sage, open access publication is available through three routes: gold open access journals, hybrid open access (Sage Choice) and green open access archiving.
For gold open access journals and open access (Sage Choice) in hybrid journals, authors can request open access or review what they are eligible for in Sage Journals: Licensing & Payment. Authors will receive a link to Sage Journals: Licensing & Payment after acceptance in Sage Track, provided the article type is eligible.
For green open access archiving: Many funding bodies and institutions now require that the work they support is made publicly available through a suitable repository. Sage’s Open Access publishing programme and author archiving policies allow our authors to comply with the various requirements stipulated by the major funding bodies. For more information please review the Journals Permissions page.