academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookUndoing CultureGlobalization, Postmodernism and IdentityMike FeatherstonePublished: August 1996From $80.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookRisk, Environment and ModernityTowards a New EcologyScott Lash, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Brian WynnePublished: April 1996From $84.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingGlobal InequalitiesYork William Bradshaw, Michael WallacePublished: March 1996From $40.00 Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingWaves of DemocracySocial Movements and Political ChangeJohn MarkoffPublished: February 1996From $49.00 Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookCultural Identity and Global ProcessJonathan FriedmanPublished: December 1994From $83.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookThe Future of Labour MovementsMarino ReginiPublished: November 1994From $73.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookChanging ClassesStratification and Mobility in Post-Industrial SocietiesGøsta Esping-AndersenPublished: October 1993From $73.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookPostmodernity USAThe Crisis of Social Modernism in Postwar AmericaAnthony WoodiwissPublished: May 1993From $80.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookRisk SocietyTowards a New Modernity,First EditionUlrich BeckPublished: September 1992From $64.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookGlobalizationSocial Theory and Global CultureRoland RobertsonPublished: August 1992From $80.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookTalcott ParsonsTheorist of ModernityRoland Robertson, Bryan S TurnerPublished: July 1991From $69.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookGlobal CultureNationalism, Globalization and ModernityMike FeatherstonePublished: August 1990From $76.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookThe Changing Architecture of PoliticsStructure, Agency and the Future of the State,First EditionPhilip G CernyPublished: April 1990From $87.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookThe Loyalties of VotersRichard Rose, Ian McAllisterPublished: April 1990From $79.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookGlobal Restructuring and Territorial DevelopmentJeffrey Henderson, Manuel CastellsPublished: January 1988From $72.00