Philip G. Cerny University of Manchester, UK Journal European Journal of International Relations ISSN: 13540661 Frequency: Quarterly Submit manuscript Read Online academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookPower in Contemporary PoliticsTheories, Practices, Globalizations,First EditionHenri Goverde, Philip G Cerny, Mark Haugaard, Howard H LentnerPublished: November 2000From $85.00 academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookThe Changing Architecture of PoliticsStructure, Agency and the Future of the State,First EditionPhilip G CernyPublished: April 1990From $87.00
Journal European Journal of International Relations ISSN: 13540661 Frequency: Quarterly Submit manuscript Read Online
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookPower in Contemporary PoliticsTheories, Practices, Globalizations,First EditionHenri Goverde, Philip G Cerny, Mark Haugaard, Howard H LentnerPublished: November 2000From $85.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookThe Changing Architecture of PoliticsStructure, Agency and the Future of the State,First EditionPhilip G CernyPublished: April 1990From $87.00