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Electronic News

Electronic News

eISSN: 1931244X | ISSN: 19312431 | Current volume: 18 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly
Electronic News is a quarterly journal devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of the news as disseminated through electronic media channels. This is the official journal of the Broadcast and Mobile Journalism Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

Electronic News promotes and publishes research and ideas with clear relevance to the content, practice, education, and administration of news across radio, television, mobile, web, social, and streaming platforms.

Electronic News bridges between scholars and practitioners, providing opportunities to publish and read applied research, invited essays, and reviews of books relevant to electronic news as an evolving and dynamic practice.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Editor in Chief
Debora Wenger University of Mississippi, USA
Associate Editor
Keren Henderson Syracuse University, USA
Founding Editor
Robert A. Papper Syracuse University, USA
Book Review Editor
Iveta Imre University of Mississippi, USA
Editorial Board
Anthony Carmen Adornato Syracuse University, USA
Timothy E. Bajkiewicz Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Jake Batsell Southern Methodist University, USA
Andrew Billings University of Alabama, USA
Paul Brewer University of Delaware, USA
Hubert Brown Florida University, USA
Kenneth Campbell University of South Carolina, USA
Todd Chambers Texas Tech University, USA
Andrew M. Clark University of Texas - Arlington, USA
Raluca Cozma Kansas State University, USA
Dale L. Cressman Brigham Young University, USA
George L. Daniels University of Alabama, USA
William R. Davie University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Danielle Deavours The University of Montevallo, USA
Dale Edwards University of Northern Colorado, USA
Jim Foust Bowling Green State University, USA
Jason Genovese Bloomsburg University
Lei Guo Fudan University, China
Carey Higgins-Dobney University of Kentucky, USA
Ann Hollifield University of Georgia, USA
Lee Hood Loyola University Chicago, USA
David Kurpius University of Missouri, USA
Jeremy Lipschultz University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
Mary T. Rogus Ohio University, USA
B. William Silcock Arizona State University, USA
Richard C. Vincent Indiana State University, USA
Yong Volz University of Missouri, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • ProQuest
  • Guidelines for Contributors

    Electronic News is a quarterly journal devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of news as disseminated through electronic media platforms. The journal editors invite submissions of original research that examine a broad range of issues concerning electronic news. Submissions must be clearly applicable to the practice or study of electronic news, and must be written for an audience that includes both academicians and practitioners. Submitted work is evaluated according to the quality of its conceptualization; the importance of the topic to practitioners, scholars, and policy makers; the lasting contribution it will make to electronic news studies; and the research execution. Key considerations of research execution include the research design, soundness of the research procedure, and the clarity of presentation. We strongly encourage authors to include links, page grabs, audio or video clips, photos, motion graphics, or other visual material relevant to your topic. It is the author’s responsibility to secure proper permission for any proposed supplemental material. The Editors reserve the right not to send for review manuscripts that fall outside the scope of the Journal.

    1. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically at Authors should create an account, log in, and follow the instructions provided. The same account should be used for all journal activities (manuscript submission, review, and other functions).2. It is assumed that only the original work of the author will be submitted for Journal consideration. Any manuscript submitted must not be under consideration by another publication.
    2. Manuscripts should be prepared in strict accordance with the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, with the caveat that we encourage the use of contractions when appropriate. Nonsexist language should be used. Authors are strongly encouraged to refer to a relevant guide for word usage and grammar, such as the abbreviated EN Style Guide below.
    3. Because manuscripts are reviewed blindly, author identification should be on the title page only, which is to be submitted as a separate file. The title page should include the following: the complete title; name(s) of author(s); corresponding postal addresses, electronic mail addresses, and telephone numbers; and any necessary credits. Any further references that might identify the author(s) should be removed from the manuscript. A short bio (1-5 sentences) for each author should be included on this page.
    4. The second page of the manuscript should consist of an abstract of 100 to 150 words. The abstract must include a mention of the specific theory driving the paper and the method used. Also include a list of 3 to 5 index terms (keywords). The text of the manuscript (including its title) should begin on the next page, with the remaining pages numbered consecutively with running heads.
    5. Notes and references should be double-spaced on pages following the text of the manuscript and follow the formats of the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Notes should be kept to a minimum. Complete citations for references should be supplied.
    6. Clear, economical, and orderly expression is expected of submissions to the Journal. Most Journal submissions should be circa 15-18 pages, including references and tables. Brevity is encouraged.
    7. The number of tables should be kept to a minimum. No table should be included if the equivalent information can be communicated in a few sentences in the text. Graphic material, other than tables, should be submitted in camera-ready and electronic forms if the manuscript is accepted for publication. Since the journal is electronic-only, color figures are accepted at no additional charge.
      1. Manuscripts should have all author-identifying information removed from the text and references.
      2. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout (including references, tables, and figures). Use 1-inch margins, leave the right margin unjustified, and number the pages. Please use Times New Roman, 12 point font.
      3. Tables and figures should be used sparingly as a non-redundant enhancement of the text. They should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as separate pages or files.
      4. The electronic versions of manuscripts submitted for consideration must be in clean, final form for review, and any change-tracking feature must be turned off.
    8. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to use a lengthy quotation (exceeding the limits of fair use) or to reprint or adapt a table or figure published elsewhere. Authors should contact the original author(s) and publisher(s) of such material to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use in print and non-print versions of the article and in all future editions. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained.
    9. Authors normally will have an editorial decision within two months. Because manuscripts are sent to expert referees for evaluation, the consideration time might vary.
    10. The Editors reserve the right to make minor changes in any accepted manuscript that do not alter the substantial meaning or results of the article or the expressed views of the author. Authors will have the opportunity to approve all such changes and can withdraw their manuscript from consideration at any time.
    11. Correspondence should be addressed to Jenn Burleson Mackay, Co-Editor, Electronic News,



    Please use the headings below in the listed order. We’ve included a suggested number of pages per section, which will help you keep the manuscript to 20 pages. You may, of course, “borrow” a bit of space from one section and use it in another.


    Introduction – 2

    Literature review – 5

    Hypotheses and/or research questions – 1

    Method – 2

    Findings – 4

    Discussion and conclusions – 3

    Limitations - .5

    Suggestions for further research - .5

    References - 2


    EN uses APA, with some AP style exceptions

    across, around Around means encircling; therefore, it’s impossible for things to be happening around a certain area. Instead, things happen across (from one side or end to the other) the state or nation. It would be around the world, because as Columbus proved, the world is round.

    afterward, backward, downward, forward, toward, upward Not afterwards, backwards, downwards, forwards, towards, or upwards.

    although, while Use although when you mean “in spite of the fact that” or “on the other hand.” While means “at the same time as” or “during the time that.”

    anxious, eager If you’re anxious about something, you’re nervous, fearful, or apprehensive. If you’re eager to do something, you’re excitedly anticipating it.

    around See across.

    as See like.

    because See since.

    because of See due to.

    but, however Both of these words indicate that what follows contrasts with what’s been said or written already.

    data Correctly used, data is a plural noun and takes plural verbs.

    due to Don't use as a substitute for because of. Also, don’t use thanks to unless someone would actually be thankful about the occurrence in question.

    eager See anxious.

    farther – Use to indicate physical distance. In all other cases, use further.

    fewer See less.

    forward See afterward.

    further See farther.

    got Got is the past tense of get. Use in that context only.

    last, latest, past - When last is modified, i.e. the last, his last, it implies there are no more to come. Use instead “his latest visit” or “in the past week”.

    less, fewer Use less when talking about quantities that are measured; use fewer when specifying quantities that can be counted. “Fewer people use less electricity.”

    less than See over.

    like, such as Like means similar to. Use like when you’re comparing two things and such as when mentioning something as an example of a broader category.

    may, might, can, could - Use may to mean “has permission to”, might to indicate a possible scenario, can to indicate ability, and could to indicate a conditional statement.

    media The term media is plural and takes plural verbs. It means all forms of mass communication considered together. A single form of mass communication, such as television, is a medium.

    might See may.

    number, total “The number” or “the total” takes singular verbs; “a number” or “a total” takes plural verbs. See average.

    on, about You give a speech on a stage, about a certain topic. You get and give information about things, not on them. Use on to mean “positioned upon.”

    over, more than, under, less than Use under and over when something is physically under or over something else. However, when you mean a greater or lesser amount or number of something, use more than or less than.

    past See last.


    proved, proven Proved is the past tense of prove; proven is an adjective describing something tested and shown to be effective.

    since, because Since should be used to mean “from then until now.” Use because when describing a relationship.

    such as See like.

    than, then Than is used to introduce the second item of a comparison. Then means at that time or next in order.

    thanks to See due to.


    that, who, which Use that when you’re referring to anything other than people or animals with names. In those cases, use who. Which should only be used to introduce a nonessential clause or when that has already been used in the sentence.

    total See number.

    toward See afterward.

    under See over.

    upward See afterward.

    wait on, wait for People in the service industry (servers in restaurants, for example) are the only people who wait on others. In all other contexts, use wait for.

    what, which What should be used when the category is unknown, but which should be used when referring to a specific item in a category.

    while See although.

    who, which See that.

    As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process Sage is a supporting member of ORCID, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from every other researcher, even those who share the same name, and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized.

    The collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this journal. If you already have an ORCID iD you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID iD will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

    If you do not already have an ORCID iD please follow this link to create one or visit our ORCID homepage to learn more.

    For more information, please refer to the Sage Manuscript Submission Guidelines.


    Institutional Subscription, E-access