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CBT for Beginners

CBT for Beginners

Third Edition
Additional resources:

November 2017 | 288 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This book provides the ideal starting point for trainees and practitioners needing a no-nonsense, clear guide to the basics of CBT. It will equip them with the knowledge and know-how, covering all the main theory and competencies to help them practice CBT effectively and confidently.


Focusing on case formulation, the authors show readers how to build a "picture" of each client, using their case history to inform interventions. Features such as exercisescase dialoguessummary boxes, and further reading lists help to enhance and cement learning.

This Third Edition includes updated references, further reading and exercises, and new content on:

  • The difficulties and drawbacks of CBT
  • The differences between formal CBT and informal CBT
  • The therapeutic relationship
  • Further discussion of specific formulations
  • Compassionate interventions with negative thoughts.

1. What is CBT?
2. Who Benefits from CBT?
3. The CBT Model
4. Levels of Cognitions (Thoughts, Beliefs and Assumptions)
5. Structure of therapy and sessions
6. The therapeutic relationship
7. CBT Assessment
8. CBT Formulation
9. Setting Therapy Goals
10. Coping Strategies
11. Behavioural Interventions
12. Cognitive Interventions: Psycho-education about Thoughts and Beliefs
13. Cognitive Interventions: Identifying Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATs)
14. Cognitive Interventions: Evaluation of Negative Automatic Thoughts or ‘Thought Challenging’
15. Cognitive Interventions: Working with Assumptions and Core Beliefs
16. Mindfulness
17. Problem Solving
18. Working with Emotions
19. Motivation for Change
20. Therapeutic Endings
21. Supervision

Easily accessible by students, and bringing professional therapists up to date with full and detailed practical guidance, Jane Simmons and Rachel Griffiths present both an introduction and the current state of the art application of CBT. In their third edition, the authors have achieved the very difficult aim of making a practitioner guide to the most effective evidence-based approaches a pleasure to read.

Dr David A Holmes
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University

CBT for Beginners explains how to deliver CBT to young people and adults in a simple and easy to understand manner. It is an excellent resource for students, beginning psychologists and health professionals.

Vivienne Lewis, Assistant Professor
University of Canberra, Australia and Treasurer for the Autralian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists, ACT Section

The latest edition of this book retains the clarity of explanation and width of content required to continue as the best introductory text to CBT available.  The content is accessible and understandable to the novice practitioner and the use of case examples clearly articulate how theory is applied in practice.  This edition updates information on relevant legislation and treatment advances, and is a must for any student commencing a CBT related programme.

Mark Gillespie
University of West Scotland

Clear, contemporary overview and guide to the principles of CBT and introduction in to practice

Dr Martin Hember
Mental Health & Learning Disabilities, University of The West of England
May 4, 2021

excellent layout.
clear and concise text

Ms maria lyons
Psychology, HSE
October 1, 2020

An enjoyable book which is easy to understand for those just starting out on a CBT course.

Mrs Jaime Leanne Ross
School of Health Studies, Darlington College
June 10, 2021

A good overview of CBT and a good baseline starting book. Students have liked the simplistic approach to enable understanding of the topic of CBT. A book I will definitely use in the future.

Mrs Jaime Leanne Ross
School of Health Studies, Darlington College
February 24, 2020

Written in a format that is user-friendly.Great for students, tutors and practitioners.

Miss Delrose Bowes
Counselling and Psychology, City Lit
July 19, 2019

A very well structured book, and perfect introduction to CBT basics for healthcare professionals.

Dr Sarah Fishburn
School of Health & Social Care, Teesside University
November 13, 2019

This is such a good book. CBT textbooks can often bamboozle, but this strikes just the right balance between theory and practice, with a strong emphasis on case formulation and ongoing learning. Supplemented by helpful further reading lists, tools and templates. Perhaps the most comprehensive beginners' CBT title on the market.

Dr Kate Daniels
Language Centre, Cambridge University
November 7, 2017

Sample Materials & Chapters

What is CBT?