Follow Visit author's website Richard A Wilson University of Connecticut, USA Richard Ashby Wilson is the Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Professor of Law and Anthropology at UConn Law School, and founding director of the Human Rights Institute at University of Connecticut, US. Journal Critique of Anthropology ISSN: 0308275X Frequency: Quarterly Submit manuscript Read Online reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookThe SAGE Handbook of Social AnthropologyRichard Fardon, Oliva Harris, Trevor H J Marchand, Cris Shore, Veronica Strang, Richard Wilson, Mark NuttallPublished: July 2012From $506.00
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookThe SAGE Handbook of Social AnthropologyRichard Fardon, Oliva Harris, Trevor H J Marchand, Cris Shore, Veronica Strang, Richard Wilson, Mark NuttallPublished: July 2012From $506.00