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David A. Squires Southern Connecticut State University, USA, ABC Education Consultants LLC, Branford, CT

David A. Squires is currently an associate professor working with doctoral students in the Educational Leadership Program at Southern Connecticut State University, specializing in curriculum, school reform, and organizational development. Previous positions include with the Comer School Development Program at Yale University; as a central office administrator for over a decade in Red Bank, New Jersey, where student achievement improved from below to above grade level; as a research specialist at Research for Better Schools in Philadelphia; as a graduate research assistant in the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh, where he received his doctorate in curriculum and super­vision with minors in language arts education and administration; and as a high school English teacher in suburban Pittsburgh and inner-city Cleveland. He heads a con­sulting firm, ABC Education Consultants, LLC, that assists school districts in writing and implementing the Balanced Curriculum.

Curriculum Alignment
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Professional Book
Curriculum Alignment
Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
Published: August 2008
From $40.95