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Anamik Saha University of Leeds, UK
Anamik Saha is a Professor in Race and Media in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds. His research is on issues of race, culture and media, with a particular focus on creative and cultural industries and issues of ‘diversity’. He is the author of Race and the Cultural Industries (Polity, 2018), and Race, Culture and Media (first edition, Sage, 2021) and co-author of The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto with Francesca Sobande and Gavan Titley (Polity, 2024). He is the co-author of the AHRC-funded industry report Rethinking ‘Diversity’ in Publishing with Sandra van Lente (Goldsmiths Press, 2020), which led to his inclusion in the The Bookseller’s 2020 list of most influential people in the book trade. His research has featured across a range of media, including BBC Radio, The Guardian, TES and The New Statesman. He is an editor of European Journal of Cultural Studies.