Aaron M. Brower University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, USA Journal Small Group Research ISSN: 10464964 Frequency: Bi-monthly Submit manuscript Read Online academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookWhat's Social about Social Cognition?Research on Socially Shared Cognition in Small GroupsJudith L. Nye, Aaron M. BrowerPublished: May 1996From $142.00 academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookSocial Cognition and Individual ChangeCurrent Theory and Counseling GuidelinesAaron M. Brower, Paula NuriusPublished: October 1993From $105.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookWhat's Social about Social Cognition?Research on Socially Shared Cognition in Small GroupsJudith L. Nye, Aaron M. BrowerPublished: May 1996From $142.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookSocial Cognition and Individual ChangeCurrent Theory and Counseling GuidelinesAaron M. Brower, Paula NuriusPublished: October 1993From $105.00