Attitude Measurement
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Caroline Roberts - University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Roger Jowell - City University, UK
November 2008 | 1 632 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The field of attitude research has long been recognized as one of the most important and influential within social psychology. But the ever-increasing popularity of survey research as a source of what the public thinks and feels about a wide range of issues has brought the subject into the popular arena, heightening the relevance of the theory and practice of attitude measurement.
Caroline Roberts and Roger Jowell, acknowledged specialists in this area of research, have combed the literature to bring together the most comprehensive collection available. The four volumes cover key advances since serious study of the subject began, where the selection of articles and papers present the key figures, major steps forward in theory or practice and some of the most creative and ingenious methodological work in the social sciences. This set will provide a rich reference source that should appeal to academics and practitioners alike.
Volume 1 – Basic concepts and historical foundations
Volume 2 – Designing direct measures
Volume 3 – Obstacles to direct measurement
Volume 4 – Expanding the measurement horizons
Caroline Roberts and Roger Jowell, acknowledged specialists in this area of research, have combed the literature to bring together the most comprehensive collection available. The four volumes cover key advances since serious study of the subject began, where the selection of articles and papers present the key figures, major steps forward in theory or practice and some of the most creative and ingenious methodological work in the social sciences. This set will provide a rich reference source that should appeal to academics and practitioners alike.
Volume 1 – Basic concepts and historical foundations
Volume 2 – Designing direct measures
Volume 3 – Obstacles to direct measurement
Volume 4 – Expanding the measurement horizons
Attitudes versus actions
LaPiere, R.T.
Allport, G.W.
The sociological significance of measurable attitudes
LaPiere, R.T.
A consideration of beliefs, and their role in attitude measurement
Fishbein, M.
Attitude measurement: a cognitive perspective
Tourangeau, R.
A simple theory of the survey response: Answering questions versus revealing preferences
Zaller, J. and Feldman, S.
Measuring social distances
Bogardus, E.S.
Attitudes can be measured
Thurstone, L.L.
A technique for measurement of attitudes
Likert, R.
A comparison of the Thurstone and Likert techniques of attitude scale construction
Edwards, A.L. and Kenney, K.C.
A basis for scaling qualitative data
Guttman, L.
A technique for the construction of attitude scales
Edwards, A.L. and Kilpatrick, F.P.
Attitude Measurement
Osgood, C.E., Suci, G.J. and Tannenbaum, P.H.
A technique and a model for multi-dimensional attitude scaling
Abelson, R.P.
Latent structure analysis
Lazarsfeld, P.F.
Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix
Campbell, D.T. and Fiske, D.W.
Reliability and validity assessment in attitude measurement
Bohrnstedt, G.W.
Open versus closed questions
Schumann, H. and Presser, S.
Strong arguments and weak evidence: The openosed questioning controversy of the 1940s
Converse, J.M.
The wording of questions
Rugg, D. and Cantril, H.
Experiments in wording opinion questions
Kalton, G., Collins, M., and Brook, L.
Three-point Likert scales are good enough
Jacoby, J. and Matell, M.S.
Are three-point scales always good enough?
Lehman, D.R., and Hulbert, J.
The relationship between number of response categories and reliability of Likert-type questionnaires
Masters, J.R.
The optimal number of response alternatives for a scale: A review
Cox, E.P.
Feeling thermometers versus 7-point scales: Which are better?
Alwin, D.F.
How often is often?
Hakel, M.D.
Often is where you find it
Chase, C.I.
Vague quantifiers
Bradburn, N.M. and Miles, C.
Extreme response on a Likert scale
Albaum, G. and Murphy, B.D.
"Don't know": Item ambiguity or respondent uncertainty?
Coombs, C.H. and Coombs, L.C.
Decisions about ignorance: Knowing that you don't know
Glucksberg, S. and McCloskey, M.
"No-opinion" filters: A cognitive perspective
Hippler, H.J. and Schwarz, N.
Should we take don't know for an answer?
Gilljam, M., and Granberg, D.
The impact of no opinion response options on data quality: Non-attitude reduction or an invitation to satisfice?
Krosnick, J.A., Holbrook, A.L., Berent, M.K., Carson, R.T., Hanemann, W.M., Kopp, R.J., Mitchell, R.C., Presser, S., Ruud, P.A., Smith, V.K., Moody, W.R., Green, M.C., and Conaway, M.
Response alternatives: The impact of their choice and presentation order.
Schwarz, N. and Hippler, H.J.
The effect of ordinal position upon responses to items in a checklist
Campbell, D.T. and Mohr, P.J.
The effects of offering a middle response option with opinion questions
Kalton, G., Roberts, J. and Holt, D.
The middlemost choice on attitude items: Ambivalence, neutrality, or uncertainty
Klopfer, F.J. and Madden, T.M.
Experiments with the middle response alternative in survey questions
Bishop, G.F.
The measurement of attitudes
Krosnick, J.A., Judd, C.M. and Wittenbrink, B.
The retrospective question
Fink, R.
Response sets and test validity
Cronbach, L.J.
The great response-style myth
Rorer, L.G.
Attitude intensity, importance and certainty and susceptibility to response effects
Krosnick, J.A. and Schuman, H.
Response strategies for coping with the cognitive demands of attitude measures in surveys
Krosnick, J.A.
Effects of presenting one versus two sides of an issue in survey questions
Bishop, G.F., Oldendick, R.W. and Tuchfarber, A.J.
Not forbidding isn't allowing: The cognitive basis of the forbid-allow symmetry
Hippler, H.J. and Schwarz, N.
The effect of question order on responses
Bradburn, N.M. and Mason, W.M.
An evaluation of a cognitive theory of response-order effects in survey measurement
Krosnick, J.A. and Alwin, D.F.
Context and congruity in survey questionnaires
Schuman, H., Kalton, G. and Ludwig, J.
Cognitive processes underlying context effects in attitude measurement
Tourangeau, R. and Rasinski, K.A.
Acquiescence: Measurement and theory
Martin, J.
Controlling for acquiescence response set in scale development
Winkler, J.D., Kanouse, D.E., and Ware, J.E.
Privacy and the expression of white racial attitudes
Krysan, M.
The effect of black and white interviewers in black responses
Schuman, H. and Converse, J.M.
The nature of belief systems in the mass public
Converse, P.E.
Pseudo-opinions on public affairs
Bishop, G.F., Oldendick, R.W., Tuchfarber, A.J. and Bennett, S.E.
Public opinion and public ignorance: The fine line between attitudes and nonattitudes
Schumann, H. and Presser, S.
Question wording effects: Presenting one or both sides of the case
Hedges, B.M.
Nonattitudes: A review and evaluation
Smith, T.W.
The indirect assessment of social attitudes
Campbell, D.T.
New technologies for the direct and indirect assessment of attitudes
Dovidio, J.F. and Fazio, R.H.
Evidence for racial prejudice at the implicit level and its relationship with questionnaire measures
Wittenbrink, B., Judd, C.M. and Park, B.
Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The implicit association test.
Greenwald, A.G., McGhee, D.E. and Schwartz, J.L.K.
Implicit attitude measures: Consistency, stability and convergent validity
Cunningham, W.A., Preacher, K.J. and Banaji, M.R.
Implicit measures in social cognition research: Their meaning and uses
Fazio, R.H. and Olson, M.A.
Physiological techniques of attitude measurement
Mueller, D.J.
Galvanic skin response to negro and white experimenters
Rankin, R.E. and Campbell, D.T.
Attitude and pupil size
Hess, E.H.
A projective method for the study of attitudes
Proshansky, H.M.
Measuring attitudes by error-choice: an indirect method
Hammond, K.R.
Asking the embarrassing question
Barton, A.M.
The lost-letter technique: A tool for social research
Milgram, S., Mainn, L. and Harter, S.
Twenty years of bogus pipeline research: A critical review and meta-analysis
Roese, N.J. and Jamieson, D.W.
Randomized response: A survey technique for eliminating evasive answer bias
Warner, S.L.
A multiple-indicator approach to attitude measurement
Cook, S.W. and Selltiz, C.
Response latency as a signal to question problems in survey research
Bassili, J.N. and Scott, B.S.
Considered opinions: Deliberative polling in Britain
Luskin, R.C., Fishkin, J.S. and Jowell, R.
A different take on the deliberative poll: Information, deliberation and attitude constraint
Sturgis, P., Roberts, C. and Allum, N.
Equivalence in cross-national research
Przeworski, A and Teune, H.
Developing comparable questions in cross-national surveys
Smith, T.
Social desirability bias: A demonstration and technique for it reduction
Gordon, R.A.