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Four Volume Set
Edited by:

July 2013 | 1 648 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
From the 1980s onwards, there has been what has frequently been described as an auto/biographical turn in the social sciences and also in the arts and humanities. Changes in conceptions of self, society and identity, post-modern, post-structural and post-colonial influences and sensibilities to name but a few have all played their part in focusing attention on to, and valorising the perceptions and experiences of the individual. Now, at a time of exciting development for the subject, this new four-volume set seeks to capture the important articles that have come out of the field over the past decades.

Framed by a newly-written introductory chapter, the collection includes work that spans disciplinary boundaries, bringing together a comprehensive resource taht will prove invaluable to scholars in the field.

Introduction in Reed-Danahay, D. (Ed) Auto/ethnography: Rewriting the Self and the Social

D Reed-Danahay
What Do People Do?: Dani Auto-ethnography

Karl Heider
Auto-Ethnography: Paradigms, Problems and Prospects

D Hayano
From Participant Observation to the Observation of Participants: The Emergence of Narrative Ethnography

Barbara Tedlock
On Auto/Biography in Sociology

Liz Stanley
The Politics of Location: Where am I Now?

Laurel Richardson
What's in a Research Project: Some Thoughts on the Intersection of History, Social Structure and Biography

Thomas Popkewitz
Writing to the Archive: Mass Observation as Autobiography

Dorothy Sheridan
Autoethnography, Personal Narrative, Reflexivity: Researcher as Subject

Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner
Autoethnography: Self-Indugence or Something More?

Andrew Sparkes
Reconsidering 'Table Talk': Critical Thoughts on the Relationship Between Sociology, Autobiography and Self-Indulgence

Eric Mykhalovsky
Narrative's Virtues

Arthur Bochner
Representation, Legitimation and Autoethnography: An Autoethnographic Writing Story

Nicholas Holt
Judging the Quality of Qualitative Inquiry: Criteriology and Relativism in Action

Andrew Sparkes and Brett Smith
'On Auto-Ethnographic Authority'

J Buzard
The (Im)Possibilities of Writing the Self-Writing: French Poststructural Theory and Autoethnography

Susanne Gannon
Experience and I in Autoethnography: A Deconstruction

Alecia Jackson and Lisa Mazzei
Doing Autoethnography

Tessa Muncey
Autoethnographic Mother Writing: Advocating Radical Specificity

Patty Sotirin
Finding the Limits: Autoethnography and Being an Oxford University Proctor

Geoffrey Walford
An Autoethnography on Learning About Autoethnography

Sarah Wall
Accommodating the Autoethnographic PhD: The Tale of the Thesis, the Viva Voce and the Traditional Business School

Clair Doloriert and Sally Sambrook
Analytic Autoethnography

Leon Anderson
Rescuing Autoethnography

Paul Atkinson
Arguments Against Auto-ethnography

Sara Delamont
Truth Troubles

Jillian Owen et al
Facts or Fictions? Aspects of the Use of Autobiographical Writing in Undergraduate Sociology

Jane Ribbens
Autoethnography and Teacher Development

Jon Austin and Andrew Hickey
Disability and (Auto)Ethnography: Riding (and Writing) The Bus With My Sister

G. Thomas Couser
Becoming a Sadomasochist: Integrating Self and Other in Ethnographic Analysis

Staci Newmahr
Death and Memory: From Santa Maria del Monte to Miami Beach

Ruth Behar
Turning Toward Tincup: A Story of a Home Death

Joyce Hocker
Autoethnography: An Overview

Carolyn Ellis, Tony Adams and Arthur Bochner
A Note on Ethical Issues in Autobiography in Sociological Research

Barbara Harrison and E. Stina Lyon
Telling Secrets, Revealing Lives: Relational Ethics in Research With Intimate Others

Carolyn Ellis
A Review of Narrative Ethics

Tony Adams
The Ethics of Writing Life Histories and Narratives in Educational Research

Pat Sikes
Caught With a Fake ID: Ethical Questions About Slippage in Autoethnography

Kristina Medford
A Critique of Current Practice: Ten Foundational Guidelines for Autoethnographers

Martin Tolich
Handing IRB an Unloaded Gun

Carol Rambo
With Mother/With Child: A True Story

Carolyn Ellis
Sexual Involvement and Social Research in a Fat Civil Rights Organisation

Erich Goode
Writing: A Method of Inquiry

L Richardson
A Gentle Going?: An Autoethnographic Short

Jonathan Wyatt
Psychic Distance, Consent and Other Ethical issues: Reflecting on the Writing of A Gentle Going?

Jonathan Wyatt
Goin' to the Store, Sittin' on the Street, and Runnin' the Roads: Growing up in a Rural Southern Neighbourhood

Carolyn Ellis
Writing Like a Guy in Textville: A Personal Reflection on Narrative Seduction

H.L. Goodall, Jr.
Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent

Brian Rappert
Easier Said Than Done: Writing an Autoethnography

Sarah Wall
The Academic Tourist: An Autoethnography

Ronald Pelias
Narrative and the Re/Production of transsexual: The Foreclosure of an Endured Emergence of Gender Multiplicity

Jodi Kaufmann
Multiple Reflections of Child Sex Abuse: An Argument for a Layered Account

Carol Rambo Ronai
Autoethnographic Layering: Recollections of Family Tales and Dreams

Jean Rath
Performative Autoethnography: Critical Embodiments and Possibilities

Tami Spry
Indians in the Park

Norman Denzin
Mothers Talk About Their Children With Schizophrenia: A Performance Autoethnography

B Schneider
Postcards From Pigtown

Michael Silk
The Accusing Body

Tami Spry
Standing Centre: Autoethnography, Writing and Solo Dance Performance

Karen Nicole Barbour
The Fatal Flaw: A Narrative of the Fragile Body-Self

Andrew Sparkes
"Then You Know How I Feel": Empathy, Identification and reflexivity in Fieldwork

Laura Ellingson
Chronicling an Academic Depression

Barbara Jago
Writing the Othered Self: Autoethnography and the Problem of Objectification in Writing about Illness and Disability

Rose Richards
An Autoethnography on Shifting Relationships Between a Daughter, Her Mother and Altzheimer's Dementia (in any order)

Marina Malthouse
The Secret of Time and Immortality at the End of July

Bud Goodall
The Consumer Diaries or Autoethnography in the Inverted World

Elizabeth Chin
Dreams of my Daughter: An Ectopic Pregnancy

Maria Lahman
Waltzing Matilda: An Autoethnography of a Father's StillBirth

Marcus Weaver-Hightower
Opening My Voice Claiming My Space: Theorizing the Possibility of Postcolonial Approaches to Autoethnography

Alice Terry My Journey in grief: A Mother's Experience Following the Death of Her Daughter Archana Pathak
''What's the Footballer Doing Here?' Racialized Performativity, Reflexivity and Identity

Ben Carrington
Native Among Natives: Physician Anthropologist Doing Hospital Ethnography at Home

Shahaduz Zaman
Trying to Return Home: A Trinidadian's Experience of Becoming a 'Native' Ethnographer

Janice Fournillier
Personal Narratives and Cosmopolitan Identities: An Autobiographical Approach

Maria Daskalaki
Narrative Inheritance: A Nuclear Family With Toxic Secrets

H.L. Goodall
Whose Collection is it Anyway? An Autoethnographic Account of 'Dividing the Spoils' Upon Divorce

Jackie Goode
Becoming a Doctor

Pat Sikes And Robyn Sikes-Sheard
Becoming a Leader: A Co-Produced Autoethnographic Exploration of Situated Learning of Leadership Practice

Steve Kempster and James Stewart
Situating the Greenham Archaeology: An Autoethnography of a Feminist Project

Yvonne Marshall, Sasha Roseneil and Kayt Armstrong
Embodiment, Academics and the Audit Culture: a story seeking consideration

Andrew Sparkes
Ethics, Agency and Desire in Two Strip Clubs: A View From Both Sides of the Gaze

Amy Pinney
How to Look Good (Nearly) Naked: The Performative Regulation of the Swimmer's Body

Susie Scott

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ISBN: 9780857027856