What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning
- Wendy W. Murawski - California State University, Northridge, USA
- Kathy Lynn Scott - California State University, Northridge, USA
Introduction by Katie Novak
Primary Professional Studies
Learn how to REALLY improve outcomes for all students
How do we remove learning barriers and provide all students with the opportunity to succeed? Written for both general and special educators from grades Pre-K through 12, What Really Works with Universal Design for Learning is the how-to guide for implementing aspects of Universal Design Learning (UDL) to help every student be successful. UDL is the design and delivery of curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of all learners by providing them with choices for what and why they are learning and how they will share what they have learned. Calling on a wide-range of expert educators, this resource features
- An unprecedented breadth of UDL topics, including multiple content areas, pedagogical issues, and other critical topics like executive function, PBIS, and EBD
- Reproducible research-based, field-tested tools
- Practical strategies that are low cost, time efficient, and easy to implement
- Practices for developing shared leadership and for working with families
Educators want to see each and every student succeed. This teacher-friendly, hands-on resource shows how UDL can be used to build the flexibility required to meet students’ strengths and needs without overwhelming teachers in the process
"This book is beautifully designed and organized. Educators will want to have it next to them as they plan their UDL-influenced lessons and environments. It is full of innovative, realistic, and reliable ideas for any educator, and it exemplifies that UDL is a framework that benefits all content areas, all contexts, and all educators."
"Universal Design for Learning is a framework that can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned educators. The actionable practices and ready-to-implement strategies described in this work are just what educators need—and are asking for— to help them amplify their application of it. By highlighting what works in a variety of contexts, the authors and their collaborators have ensured that there are entry points for anyone interested in learning more about UDL implementation."
"What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning deserves a place on every educator’s desk. This is your UDL multi-vitamin—insightfully addressing the big questions around content, behavior, and instruction. Whether you’re beginning your UDL journey or refining your UDL practices, the usable knowledge and practical strategies will give your implementation instant traction and sustained inspiration."