The Taking Action Guide for the Governance Core
School Boards, Superintendents, and Schools Working Together
- Davis Campbell - University of California (UC)-Davis, USA, DCAssociares
- Michael Fullan - Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc.
- Babs Kavanaugh
- Eleanor Adam
January 2021 | 136 pages | Corwin
Practical resources for building cohesive governance teams
As a supplement to the best-selling The Governance Core, this practical guide will help trustees and superintendents adopt a governance mindset and partnership that creates coherence throughout the district. With a systems thinking approach, the authors provide readers with the strategies and tools needed to build cohesive teams and engage in deeper learning and decision making. The Taking Action Guide for the Governance Core offers readers:
• a deeper understanding of core governance and how to build it
• a planning guide to help new trustees get started
• protocols and sample agendas for focusing on strategy and systems during open board meetings
Educational leaders will find this guide offers them a foundation for building strong, flourishing school districts that are equipped to adapt to and meet the daunting challenges of our time.
As a supplement to the best-selling The Governance Core, this practical guide will help trustees and superintendents adopt a governance mindset and partnership that creates coherence throughout the district. With a systems thinking approach, the authors provide readers with the strategies and tools needed to build cohesive teams and engage in deeper learning and decision making. The Taking Action Guide for the Governance Core offers readers:
• a deeper understanding of core governance and how to build it
• a planning guide to help new trustees get started
• protocols and sample agendas for focusing on strategy and systems during open board meetings
Educational leaders will find this guide offers them a foundation for building strong, flourishing school districts that are equipped to adapt to and meet the daunting challenges of our time.
Authors’ Note
About the Authors
Taking Action Guide Overview
How to Use This Guide
Module Content and Learning Processes At a Glance
Module 1: Moral Imperative and the Governance Core
1.1: Quote Share
1.2: Quick Write
1.3: Say Something
1.4: Think-Pair-Share
1.5: The 3-2-1
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 2: Governance Mindset
2.1: Governance Mindset Reflection
2.2: Jigsaw
2.3: What? So What? Now What?
2.4: The 5 R’s: Read, Record, Retell, Relate, and Reflect
2.5: Governance Working Styles
Governance Mindset Progression
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 3: Governing With Coherence
3.1: The 4 Corner Placemat
3.2: S.T.A.R.
3.3: Go to the Wall
Governance Coherence Progression
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 4: Governance Culture
4.1: Developing Governance Principles
4.2: Establishing Governance Norms
4.3: Developing Governance Protocols
Governance Culture Progression
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 5: The Governance Job
5.1: Deep Dive
5.2: Governance Reflection
Governance Job Progression
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 6: Governance Tools
6.1: The 3 P’s: Purpose, Positives, and Plan
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 7: Welcoming New Trustees
7.1: Protocol Planning
7.2: Turn and Talk
Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Module 8: Rising to the Occasion
8.1: The 4 A’s: Assumptions, Agreements, Arguments, and Action
Consolidating the Governance Core Planning Guide
Personal Reflections
Appendix 1: The Board Planning Calendar: What? Why? How? When?
Appendix 2: Board Planning Calendar Governance Tool Worksheet