The Primary Curriculum
A Creative Approach
- Patricia Driscoll - Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
- Andrew Lambirth - University of Greenwich, UK
- Judith Roden - Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Primary Professional Studies
In order to be a successful primary teacher you need a clear understanding of good teaching practice across the subjects that make up the primary curriculum.
This second edition has been fully updated to include key points from the 2014 National Curriculum in England, balancing a clear discussion of the principles behind high quality teaching with the requirements of current policy. An emphasis on creative approaches supports you in developing inspiring cross-curricular practice in your classroom.
New to this edition:
- Links to the 2014 National Curriculum in England in every chapter
- Case studies in every chapter provide useful examples of creative teaching in each curriculum subject
- Expanded coverage on assessment and planning
This is essential reading for students on primary initial teacher education courses, including university-based (PGCE, PGDE, BA QTS, BEd), school-based (SCITT, School Direct, Teach First) and employment-based routes into teaching.
Essential reading for all education students as it covers the new National Curriculum. Each chapter is written in an accessible style and comprehensively examines a subject of the primary National Curriculum.
Good all round read for generalists.
Useful overview for teaching assistants embarking for the first time on the formal study of education
This is a very useful book for student teachers. It combines practical guidance with theoretical underpinnings. I like the emphasis on creative approaches.
A useful text that supports trainee teachers to think creatively in each curriculum subject.
A useful book for trainee teachers supporting them to consider creative approaches across the curriculum.
Continues to remain relevant.
great accessible book