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Sociology of Education

Sociology of Education

Published in Association with American Sociological Association
Other Titles in:
Education | Sociology

eISSN: 19398573 | ISSN: 00380407 | Current volume: 98 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly
Sociology of Education (SOE) provides a forum for studies in the sociology of education and human social development. SOE publishes research that examines how social institutions and individuals’ experiences within these institutions affect educational processes and social development. Such research may span various levels of analysis, ranging from the individual to the structure of relations among social and educational institutions. In an increasingly complex society, important educational issues arise throughout the life cycle.

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The American Sociological Association (ASA), founded in 1905, is a non-profit membership association dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good. With 12,000 members, ASA encompasses sociologists who are faculty members at colleges and universities, researchers, practitioners, and students. About 20 percent of the members work in government, business, or non-profit organizations. ASA hosts an annual meeting with more than 6,000 participants and publishes 14 professional journals and magazines.

As the national organization for sociologists, ASA, through its Executive Office, is well positioned to provide a unique set of services to its members and to promote the vitality, visibility, and diversity of the discipline. Working at the national and international levels, ASA aims to articulate policy and implement programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future.

Sociology of Education (SOE) provides a forum for studies in the sociology of education and human social development. SOE publishes research that examines how social institutions and individuals’ experiences within these institutions affect educational processes and social development. Such research may span various levels of analysis, ranging from the individual to the structure of relations among social and educational institutions. In an increasingly complex society, important educational issues arise throughout the life cycle.

William J. Carbonaro University of Notre Dame, USA
Anna R. Haskins University of Notre Dame, USA
Deputy Editors
Julia Burdick-Will Johns Hopkins University, USA
Jessica Calarco University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Eve L. Ewing University of Chicago, USA
Roberto G. Gonzales University of Pennsylvania, USA
Andrew Halpern-Manners Indiana University, USA
Douglas David Ready Teachers College-Columbia University, USA
Catherine Riegle-Crumb University of Texas-Austin, USA
Editorial Board Members
Bianca Jontae Baldridge Harvard University, USA
Kendra Bischoff Cornell University, USA
Ebony N. Bridwell-Mitchell Harvard University, USA
Patricia Bromley Stanford University, USA
Carson Byrd University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng New York University, USA
Christina Ciocca Eller Harvard University, USA
Jordan Conwell University of Texas-Austin, USA
Rebecca A. Cruz Johns Hopkins University, USA
Sean Drake Syracuse University, USA
Nilda Flores-Gonzalez Arizona State University-Tempe, USA
Karly Sarita Ford Pennsylvania State University, USA
Kimberly Ann Goyette Temple University, USA
Chantal Annise Hailey University of Texas-Austin, USA
Paul Hanselman University of California - Irvine, USA
Jason F. Jabbari Washington University-St Louis, USA
Wade C. Jacobsen University of Maryland, USA
Hyeyoung Kwon Indiana University, USA
Yader R. Lanuza University of California-Santa Barbara, USA
Edward W. Morris University of Kentucky, USA
Chandra Muller University of Texas-Austin, USA
Michela Musto Brown University, USA
Francis Pearman Stanford University, USA
Lara Perez-Felkner Florida State University, USA
David Enrique Rangel Brown University, USA
Ranita Ray University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, USA
Richard O. Welsh Vanderbilt University, USA
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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