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Secondary Analysis of Survey Data

Secondary Analysis of Survey Data

November 1985 | 88 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Secondary analysis has assumed a central position in social science research as existing survey data and statistical computing programs have become increasingly available. This volume presents strategies for locating survey data, provides a comprehensive guide to social science data archives, and describes several major data files. It also reviews research designs for secondary analysis and discusses techniques for managing problems related to variable operationalization, item and sample comparability, sampling error, and the study of rare populations. Researchers of all social science disciplines in both academic and applied settings will find this text extremely useful. The chapter on locating data provides practical information for all secondary analysts, from advanced undergraduates to seasoned researchers. The chapter on making effective use of data introduces certain concepts that require graduate-level statistical training, but the practical problems of data analysis that are presented are ones that all secondary analysts should consider. This dual emphasis makes the volume the most valuable guide to secondary analysis of survey data to come along in recent years.

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Locating Appropriate Data
Making Effective Use of Existing Survey Data

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ISBN: 9780803923027

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