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School Climate 2.0

School Climate 2.0
Preventing Cyberbullying and Sexting One Classroom at a Time

April 2012 | 216 pages | Corwin

Empower students and staff to prevent cyberbullying and sexting

Bullying is not new, but its venues have expanded to include social media and mobile phones. When students receive hurtful, threatening, or sexually explicit electronic messages, it affects their ability to concentrate on schoolwork. Renowned cyberbullying experts Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin connect the off-campus, high-tech behaviors of teens to the school environment and provide educators with a road map for developing a positive school climate that counteracts cyberbullying and sexting. School Climate 2.0 differentiates cyberbullying from traditional bullying and offers specific strategies for improving school climate, including

  • Building a sense of community
  • Peer mentoring
  • Social norming
  • Data-driven action plans
  • Youth grassroots campaigns
  • Multi-pronged policy and programming approaches by adults

Included are anecdotes, stories, and high-profile case examples that illustrate the research. The book's companion website features a Twitter feed and Facebook Fan Page with regular PreventionPoints you can put into action quickly, downloadable activities and worksheets, questions to facilitate staff and student discussions, and emerging best practices in school climate research and evaluation—powerful tools for bully-proofing your school.

Important Features of the Book

Breakdown of Chapters

About the Authors
1. Teens, Technology, and Trouble
The Story of Sam

What Would Happen to Sam Today?

Teens and Technology

Technology in Schools

Breakout Box: Delete Day

Why Schools Must Respond to Cyberbullying and Sexting

Technology Isn’t the Problem

The Power of a Positive School Climate


Discussion Questions

2. School Climate: Where It Begins and Ends
What Exactly Is School Climate?

Assessing Your School’s Climate

Breakout Box: A Positive School Climate Makes Everything Possible

Our School Climate Measure

School Climate and Behaviors at School

The Social Bond

Breakout Box: School Climate and Its Effect on School Social Issues

School Climate and Bullying

Breakout Bok: The Benefits of a Positive School Climate


Discussion Questions

3. Adolescent Mistreatment in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Cyberbullying
Bullying at School

Consequences of Bullying

What Is Cyberbullying?

Breakout Box: A Teenaged Target’s Cry for Help

The Cyberbullied

The Cyberbully

Where Does Cyberbullying Occur?

Correlates of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying and Self-Esteem

Cyberbullying and Suicide

Cyberbullying and School-Related Delinquency and Violence

Unique Features of Cyberbullying

Breakout Box: Decoding your Digital Footprint

Breakout Box: Unique Characteristics of Cyberbullying

The Relationship Between Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying


Discussion Questions

4. Adolescent Relationships in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Sexting
Sexting in the News

High Profile Incidents

Breakout Box: Adolescent Anger Lands Teen on the Sex Offender Registry

Why do Teens Engage in Sexting?

Sexting Images Go Viral

How Many Teens Really Participate in Sexting?

National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Cox Communications


Pew Internet & American Life Project

Crimes Against Children Research Center

Our Own Survey

Sexting: A Continuum of Behaviors

Crimes Against Children Research Center Typology

Sexting and the Law

Breakout Box: Selected State Sexting Bills


Discussion Questions

5. School Climate and Online Misbehaviors
Breakout Box: School Climate and Cyberbullying

School Climate and Behaviors Online

Our Research

Educators' Efforts Matter

Whom Do Targets Tell About Their Experiences With Cyberbullying?

Expectation of Discipline


Discussion Questions

6. Strategies for Improving Your School Climate
Top-Down Approach

Know Their Names

Community Building

Small Teacher-Student Ratios

Stay in the Loop

Clearly Define What Is “Not Cool”

Breakout Box: Staying in the Loop: What I’ve Learned by Listening and Understanding

Monitor Behaviors and Respond Fairly and Consistently to Problems

Encourage Active Student Participation in Decision Making

Student-Teacher Evaluations

Encourage Reporting of Any Inappropriate Behavior

Cultivate Hope

The Important Role of School Counselors

Breakout Box: School Counselors Can Help

Inform and Involve the Community

Continue to Lay the Groundwork

Use Resources Available to You

Breakout Box: What YOU Can Do to Spark Climate Change in Your School


Discussion Questions

7. It Takes a Village: Social Norms, Bystanders, and Peer Mentoring
Social Norming

An Overview of Social Norms Theory

Social Norms Theory and Traditional Bullying

Using Social Norming to Prevent Cyberbullying and Sexting

Coordinate a Student Play

Breakout Box: Using Stage Productions to Enhance School Climate


Solidarity Walk or March

Four Corners

Breakout Box: Canadian Initiatives: Students Making a Difference Against Bullying


Stop Standing By and Start Standing Up!

Breakout Box: Minnesota Twins

Peer Mentoring


Discussion Questions

8. Prevention Through Assessment: Taking the Pulse of Your School and Students
Survey Your Students

Breakout Box: Talking Points: How to Conduct Research Among Your Students


Breakout Box: Use Data to Guide Your Climate Improvement Efforts

Survey Development

Survey Administration

Breakout Box: Assessment Leads to Better Understanding

Don’t Forget About the Adults!

Focus Groups

Breakout Box: Sample Focus Group Questions

Confidentiality, Consent, and Ethical Issues


Discussion Questions

Appendix A: Our Survey Questions

Appendix B: Psychometric Properties for Cyberbullying Scale

9. Effective Prevention Requires Effective Response
Can Schools Respond to Behaviors That Occur Away From Campus?

Just Say No to “Zero Tolerance”: Utilize Informal Responses When Appropriate

Natural and Logical Consequences

Breakout Box: What Schools Should Do When Made Aware of a Cyberbullying Incident

When Can Educators Search the Contents of Student Cell Phones?

Special Considerations When Responding to Sexting Incidents

Breakout Box: What Schools Should Do When Made Aware of a Sexting Incident

Policy Issues


Breakout Box: Elements of a Cyberbullying Policy


Breakout Box: Elements of a School Sexting Policy

When to Get Law Enforcement Involved

Educate Students About the Consequences Before the Behavior

Breakout Box: One School’s Response to Social Networking Drama

A Call for Education and Outreach


Discussion Questions


"Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin remind us early on that, contrary to most media hype, most young people use their ubiquitous technologies safety and responsibly the majority of the time. Then, they discuss how a positive school climate is fundamental for all of learning and teaching. They share innovative, pragmatic strategies to enhance climate and thereby foster a better social environment— which will reduce behavioral problems offline and online among youth. This very readable, very user-friendly book should be considered mandatory for all preservice teacher education programs and be used as a guide for planning ongoing inservice training as schools prepare to better meet the needs of their 21st century students."

Mike Donlin, Cyberbullying and Digital Safety Consultant

"This book shared valuable information about social networks and texting that increased my awareness of their prevalence and potential legal consequences of student misuse."

Carol S. Cash, Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech University

"This book will help administrators lead their schools to form and keep policies that reduce or eliminate cyberbullying."

Brigitte Tennis, Headmistress
Stella Schola Middle School, Redmond, WA
Key features
  • Identifies the extent and nature of teen technology use
  • Breaks down what cyberbullying is and how it is different from traditional bullying, including the phenomenon of sexting
  • Includes powerful anecdotes, stories, and other cases from the popular press and the authors' research to help illustrate important points
  • Provides a road map for developing a positive climate at your school to reduce teen technology misuse, including concrete strategies for assessing and improving your school's climate
  • Offers numerous strategies to empower students and staff to prevent cyberbullying and sexting
  • Lists valuable resources (such as staff development guides, questions to facilitate further discussion and follow-up among your students, downloadable activities and worksheets, and more) on the authors' website at:

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ISBN: 9781452283708

ISBN: 9781412997836

This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.