Polytomous Item Response Theory Models
- Remo Ostini - University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia
- Michael L. Nering - Measured Progress, Inc.
August 2005 | 120 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Polytomous Item Response Theory Models provides a unified, comprehensive introduction to the range of polytomous models available within item response theory (IRT). It begins by outlining the primary structural distinction between the two major types of polytomous IRT models. This focuses on the two types of response probability that are unique to polytomous models and their associated response functions, which are modeled differently by the different types of IRT model. It describes, both conceptually and mathematically, the major specific polytomous models, including the Nominal Response Model, the Partial Credit Model, the Rating Scale model, and the Graded Response Model. Important variations, such as the Generalized Partial Credit Model are also described as are less common variations, such as the Rating Scale version of the Graded Response Model. Relationships among the models are also investigated and the operation of measurement information is described for each major model. Practical examples of major models using real data are provided, as is a chapter on choosing an appropriate model. Figures are used throughout to illustrate important elements as they are described.
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Series Editor's Introduction
1. Introduction
Measurement Theory
Item Response Theory
Applying the IRT Model
Reasons for Using Polytomous IRT Models
Polytomous IRT Models
Two Types of Probabilities
Two Types of Polytomous Models
Category Boundaries
Item Category Response Functions
2. Nominal Response Model
The Mathematical Model
Relationship to Other IRT Models
A Practical Example
3. Polytomous Rasch Models
Partial Credit Model
Category Steps
The Mathematical Model
Relationship to Other IRT Models
PCM Summary
Rating Scale Model
The Mathematical Model
Model Parameters
Sufficient Statistics and Other Considerations
Expected Values and Response Functions
Response Functions and Information
Relationship to Other IRT Models
PCM Scoring Function Formulation and the NRM
Generalized Partial Credit Model
Discrimination and Polytomous Rasch Models
Summary of Polytomous Rasch Models
Three Practical Examples
4. Samejima Models
From Response Process to Specific Model
The Homogeneous Case: Graded Response Models
The Mathematical Model
Information for Polytomous Models
Relationship to Other IRT Models
From Homogeneous Class to Heterogeneous Class and Back
A Common Misconception
Summary of Samejima Models
Potential Weaknesses of the Cumulative Boundary Approach
Possible Strengths of the Cumulative Boundary Approach
A Practical Example
5. Model Selection
General Criteria
Mathematical Approaches
Fit Statistic Problems
An Example
Differences in Modeled Outcome
Acronyms and Glossary
About the Authors