Political Communication
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Philip Seib - University of Southern California, USA
SAGE Benchmarks in Communication
SAGE Benchmarks in Communication
December 2007 | 1 672 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This collection provides an overview of the broad landscape of political communication, with material suited for the theorist and the more practically inclined. The main criterion for organizing this collection was diversity—presenting a range of authors and ideas. The contributions cover a span of almost eighty years, beginning with an article from 1927 and culminating with work from the first decade of the 21st century. Some of the authors are famous scholars and some are little known, but each article is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle and fits into an appropriate place.
Not every political communication topic is addressed and not every viewpoint is included, but these volumes contain material that may spark the scholar's imagination and spur thinking about the breadth of this field. By using this collection as a starting point, anyone interested in political communication should be able to find material that will point the way down many research paths.
A compelling case can be made that political change throughout the world is being driven, directly and indirectly, by political communication. That should provide great incentive to the researchers whose yet-to-be-written articles will be the descendants of the works collected in these volumes.
Not every political communication topic is addressed and not every viewpoint is included, but these volumes contain material that may spark the scholar's imagination and spur thinking about the breadth of this field. By using this collection as a starting point, anyone interested in political communication should be able to find material that will point the way down many research paths.
A compelling case can be made that political change throughout the world is being driven, directly and indirectly, by political communication. That should provide great incentive to the researchers whose yet-to-be-written articles will be the descendants of the works collected in these volumes.
Volume One
David L Altheide
Media Logic and Political Communication
Timothy E Cook
The News Media as Political Institution
Looking Backward and Looking Forward
Claes H De Vreese
The Effects of Frames in Political Television News on Issue Interpretation and Frame Salience
Harold D Lasswell
The Theory of Political Propaganda
Steven Livingston and W Lance Bennett
Gatekeeping, Indexing and Live-Event News
Is Technology Altering the Construction of News?
Robert W McChesney
The Political Economy of Communication and the Future of the Field
Pippa Norris
Turned-out Voters? Media Impact on Campaigns
Manuel Pares I Maicas
The Ethics of Political Communication
Barry Richards
The Emotional Deficit in Political Communication
Lindsay Rogers
Notes on the Language of Politics
Michael Schudson
The News Media as Political Institutions
Percy H Tannenbaum
The Indexing Process in Communication
David Weaver
What Voters Learn from Media
Malcolm M Willey
Communication Agencies and the Volume of Propaganda
W Lance Bennett
Toward a Theory of Press-State Relations in the United States
W Lance Bennett, Regina G Lawrence and Steven Livingston
None Dare Call It Torture
Indexing and the Limits of Press Independence in the Abu Ghraib Scandal
George C Edwards III and B Dan Wood
Who Influences Whom? The President, Congress and the Media
Robert Entman
Cascading Activation
Contesting the White House's Frame after 9/11
Daniel C Hallin
The Media, the War in Vietnam and Political Support
A Critique of the Thesis of an Oppositional Media
Corwin R Kruse
The Movement and the Media
Framing the Debate over Animal Experimentation
Steven Kull, Clay Ramsay and Evan Lewis
Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War
Steven Livingston and Todd Eachus
Humanitarian Crises and US Foreign Policy
Somalia and the CNN Effect Reconsidered
Philip Lowe and David Morrison
Bad News or Good News
Environmental Politics and the Mass Media
Thomas E Patterson
Bad News, Bad Governance
Lucien W Pye
Communication Patterns and the Problems of Representative Government in Non-Western Societies
Nayda Terkildsen, Frauke I Schnell and Cristina Ling
Interest Groups, the Media and Policy Debate Formation
An Analysis of Message Structure, Rhetoric and Source Cues
Dennis F Thompson
Privacy, Politics and the Press
Danielle C Vinson and John S Ertter
Entertainment or Education
How Do Media Cover the Courts?
Itzhak Yanovitzky
Effects of News Coverage on Policy Attention and Actions
A Closer Look at the Media-Policy Connection
Volume Two
Hussein Amin
Freedom as a Value in Arab Media
Perceptions and Attitudes among Journalists
Nico Carpentier, Rico Lie and Jan Servaes
Community Media
Muting the Democratic Media Discourse?
Anthony J Eksterowicz, Robert Roberts and Adrian Clark
Public Journalism and Public Knowledge
Susan Herbst
On Electronic Public Space
Talk Shows in Theoretical Perspective
Kurt Lang and Gladys Engel Lang
The Television Personality in Politics
Some Considerations
Paolo Mancini
New Frontiers in Political Professionalism
Jack M McLeod and Daniel G McDonald
Beyond Simple Exposure
Media Orientations and Their Impact on Political Processes
Jack M McLeod, Dietram A Scheufle and Patricia Moy
Community, Communication and Participation
The Role of Mass Media and Interpersonal Discussion in Local Political Participation
Paula Poindexter and Maxwell E McCombs
Revisiting the Civic Duty to Keep Informed in the New Media Environment
Michael Schudson
Why Conversation Is Not the Soul of Democracy
James Shanahan
Television and Authoritarianism
Exploring the Concept of Mainstreaming
Alexis S Tan
Mass Media Use, Issue Knowledge and Political Involvement
David Whiteman
Out of the Theaters and into the Streets
A Coalition Model of the Political Impact of Documentary Film and Video
Joseph N Cappella and Kathleen Hall Jamieson
News Frames, Political Cynicism and Media Cynicism
Franklin D Gilliam and Shanto Iyengar
Prime Suspects
The Influence of Local Television News on the Viewing Public
Thomas J Johnson and Timothy Boudreau with Chris Glowaki
Turning the Spotlight Inward
How Five Leading News Organizations Covered the Media in the 1992 Presidential Election
David A Jones
Why Americans Don't Trust the Media
A Preliminary Analysis
Walter Lippmann
The Press and Public Opinion
Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw
The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media
Maxwell McCombs, Esteban Lopez-Escobar and Juan Pablo Llamas
Setting the Agenda of Attributes in the 1996 Spanish General Election
Thomas E Nelson, Rosalee A Clawson and Zoe M Oxley
Media Framing of a Civil Liberties Conflict and Its Effect on Tolerance
Benjamin I Page, Robert y Shapiro and Glenn R Dempsey
What Moves Public Opinion?
Stuart N Soroka
Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
Wayne Wanta and Y W Hu
The Agenda-Setting Effects of International News Coverage
An Examination of Differing News Frames
Volume Three
Stephen Ansolabehere and Shanto Iyengar
Can the Press Monitor Campaign Advertising? An Experimental Study
Larry M Bartels
Messages Received
The Political Impact of Media Exposure
Pamela J Benoit and William L Benoit
Criteria for Evaluating Political Campaign Webpages
Michael X Delli Carpini
Voters, Candidates and Campaigns in the New Information Age
An Overview and Assessment
Dan Drew and David Weaver
Voter Learning in the 2004 Presidential Election
Did the Media Matter?
Stephen E Finkel and John G Greer
A Spot Check
Casting Doubt on the Demobilizing Effect of Attack Advertising
Andrew Gelman and Gary King
Why Are American Presidential Election Campaign Polls So Variable When Votes Are So Predictable?
Elisabeth Gidengil and Joanna Everitt
Talking Tough
Gender and Reported Speech in Campaign News Coverage
Doris A Graber and David Weaver
Presidential Performance Criteria
The Missing Element in Election Coverage
Daniel C Hallin
Sound Bite News
Television Coverage of Elections 1968-1988
Stephanie Greco Larson
Public Opinion in Television Election News
Beyond Polls
Carolyn Marvin and Peter Simonson
Voting Alone
The Decline of Bodily Mass Communication and Public Sensationalism in Presidential Elections
Judy McGregor, Susan Fountaine and Margie Comrie
From Contest to Content
The Impact of Public Journalism on New Zealand Election Campaign Coverage
Dan Nimmo
Political Image Makers and the Mass Media
Patrick B O'Sullivan and Seth Geiger
Does the Watchdog Bite? Newspaper Ad Watch Articles and Political Attack Ads
David Rosenbloom
The Press and the Local Candidate
Catherine A Steele and Kevin G Barnhurst
The Journalism of Opinion
Network News Coverage of US Presidential Campaigns
Volume Four
Anantha S Babbili
Understanding International Discourse
Political Realism and the Non-Aligned Nations
W Phillips Davison
Political Communication as an Instrument of Foreign Policy
W Phillips Davison and Alexander L George
An Outline for the Study of International Political Communications
Robert Entman
Framing US Coverage of International News
Contrasts in Narratives of the KAL and Iran Air Incidents
Eytan Gilboa
Global Communication and Foreign Policy
Sallie Hughes and Chappell Lawson
The Barriers to Media Opening in Latin America
Ellen Mickiewicz
Excavating Concealed Tradeoffs
How Russians Watch the News
Ralph Negrine and Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
The 'Americanization' of Political Communication
A Critique
Barbara Pfetsch
Political Communication Culture in the United States and Germany
Andrew Rojecki
Media Discourse on Globalization and Terror
Holli A Semetko and Patti M Valkenburg
Framing European Politics
A Content Analysis of Press and Television News
Hans Speier
International Political Communication
Elite versus Mass
Scott L Althaus and David Tewksbury
Patterns of Internet and Traditional News Media Use in a Networked Community
Jay Blumer and Michael Gurevitch
The New Media and Our Political Communication Discontents
Democratizing Cyberspace
Peter Dahlgren
The Internet, Public Spheres and Political Communication
Dispersion and Deliberation
Vincent Mosco and Derek Foster
Cyberspace and the End of Politics
Dhavan V Shah, Nojin Kwak and R Lance Holbert
'Connecting' and 'Disconnecting' with Civic Life
Patterns of Internet Use and the Production of Social Capital
Geoffry Taubman
A Not-So World Wide Web
The Internet, China and the Challenges to Non-Democratic Rule
Howard Tumber and Michael Bromley
Virtual Soundbites
Political Communication in Cyberspace